Mod Convenient Curios Container by LeoBeliik

  • Convenient Curios Container by LeoBeliik

    A convenient way to store your trinkets!
    • 1562150
    • 43.12 KB
    • 1.20.2
    • November 3, 2021
    • September 28, 2023
    • Storage
      Utility & QoL
    Convenient Curios Container
Mod Information
NameConvenient Curios ContainerAuthorLeoBeliikDescriptionA convenient way to store your trinkets!
InformationDownloads: 1562150
Version: 1.20.2
Size: 43.12 KB
Updated at: September 28, 2023
Created at: November 3, 2021
Utility & QoL

Convenient Curios Container



This mod allows you to easily manage your Curios items.

This Mod needs FORGE to work.




Lot of mods nowadays add some type of trinkets to make the game more interesting, the problem I always found with this is that managing the trinkets can be annoying.


1.- You open your backpack / shulker / whatevs, take the trinket and move it to your inventory

2.- Close the backpack / shulker / whatevs and open the Curios inventory

3.- Equip the trinket

4.- if you had one equipped already you'll have to put it in the backpack / shulker / whatevs so repeat the firs 2 steps in reverse.


Convenient Curios Container tries to solve this "problem" by giving you an easy access to the container and the Curios at the same time!

It also comes with easy transfer for your Convenience!




Right clicking an item that's inside the container will equip it on the first available Curio slot, if another item was already in that slot, it will swap the items.

Shift right clicking an item that's inside the container will equip it on the second available Curio slot, if another item was already in that slot, it will swap the items.

Shift left clicking an item that's inside the container will try to equip it in the last available Curio slot, it will not swap items.


Look in the images tab for a demo of how it works.



Take a look to my other mods here