Mod Copper Pot! (A Farmer's Delight Add-on) by davigjung

  • Copper Pot! (A Farmer's Delight Add-on) by davigjung

    An accidental (yet firm) slap in the face of those who dislike food granting effects.
    • 1785598
    • 301.12 KB
    • 1.16.5
    • May 23, 2021
    • December 28, 2021
    • Addons
    Copper Pot! (A Farmer's Delight Add-on)
Mod Information
NameCopper Pot! (A Farmer's Delight Add-on)AuthordavigjungDescriptionAn accidental (yet firm) slap in the face of those who dislike food granting effects.
InformationDownloads: 1785598
Version: 1.16.5
Size: 301.12 KB
Updated at: December 28, 2021
Created at: May 23, 2021

Copper Pot: An Effective Farmer's Delight Add-on [Forge]




The copper pot is a heat-efficient tool that creates recipes quicker, and sometimes in larger quantities. Cooking can be toggled with redstone signals.

Unlike the cooking pot, the copper pot comes with no water in its recipes. Its specialty resides in making gooey substances like jellies, meringues, and more.

- Some of these foods are capable of extending certain active potion effects--give the recipes a whirl and see how they work for you.

- Seasonal agars are capable of extending several effects, though they're relatively inert on their own. Try and see which ones benefit your playstyle the most!

- Other foods may have weirder impacts on gameplay, including a blowup getaway, a way to create creepies on command, intensifying effects, and more.

Certain recipes will cause the copper in the pot to leach, creating gases inflicted with certain status effects to spread in the air while cooking. Not all of these effects may be negative, however.

In addition, we have meringue blocks! These squishy cubes can be climbed in a singular jump, no matter how high the stack. Climbing speed can be boosted with additional levels of Speed/Jump Boost. Try toying with 'em in your next obstacle course while disregarding the consequences of mucking about in delightfully raw egg slurry.


Required Dependencies:

Abnormals Core

Farmer's Delight

Compatibility with:

Stay tuned for upcoming features and integrations!

NOTE: I'm not affiliated with Team Aurora, Team Abnormals, or any other modding team, so Please don't hold them responsible because my ideas are bad lol

Regardless, you can make your own copperpot recipes with mods/datapacks! Here's an example setting up a new json in data/copperpot/recipes/cooking:


"type": "copperpot:cooking",

"ingredients": [


"item": "copperpot:baked_alaska_slice"



"tag": "forge:crops/onion"





"item": "copperpot:yum_yum_sludge",

"count": 2




"item": "minecraft:brick"


"conditions": [


"type": "forge:mod_loaded",

"modid": "autumnity"



"cookingtime": 200,

"effecttrue": true,

"effect": "minecraft:slowness",

"effectduration": 100,

"effectamplifier": 1


This food would create a cloud that inflicts Slowness II for 100 ticks, or five seconds, while cooking. It would also require the mod Autumnity to be loaded, and the container would be a vanilla brick. Replace mod IDs, item names, and other things accordingly. You can leave out count (default 1), effecttrue (default false), effect (default null), effectduration (default 100), container (default none) and effectamplifier (default 0) if desired. Big thanks to FD's code for providing a way to implement this (and apologies to any real coders saying that there's better ways to handle this. I am more than open to suggestions or PRs that improve the code's efficiency/functionality, haha).

Feel free to leave any feedback, suggestions and bugs in the issue tracker or comments! (Terrified of making a public Discord server or anything of the like.)



Thanks to GracefulLion, splet, and dannyk11 for various forms of support during development. Through strafing to the cars,,

Thank you to Nary for the copper pot retextures, and for carrying the 1.1.2 update on his back like an absolute champ haha

Additional thanks to GKOliver, Jsburg, Cappin, and bl4ckscor3 for helping with coding troubles.


Thanks to DaLumma for the German translation.

Thanks to vectorwing for the Brazilian translation.

Thanks to Kanspirians (Mr_SuperDen) and GrayPix for the Russian translation.


Lastly, a huge extra thanks to vectorwing and Farmer's Delight for making a nice big splash for food in modern modded Minecraft. Bone apple teeth! (Not a recipe yet, but I'm considering it.)