Mod Corruptional by TrueRealCursed_Warrior

  • Corruptional by TrueRealCursed_Warrior

    Adds Ability to Corrupt Animals to Use their Special Powers
    • 148965
    • 113.77 KB
    • 1.19.2
    • February 14, 2023
    • February 13, 2023
    • Adventure and RPG
Mod Information
NameCorruptionalAuthorTrueRealCursed_WarriorDescriptionAdds Ability to Corrupt Animals to Use their Special Powers
InformationDownloads: 148965
Version: 1.19.2
Size: 113.77 KB
Updated at: February 13, 2023
Created at: February 14, 2023
Adventure and RPG




Adds in Corrupt Essence which drops from Monsters such as Zombies( Chance is 1/8 )

Corrupt Essence can be used with mob drops to duplicate and more Essence is required based on drop

For Example 1 Corrupt Essence and 1 Rotten Flesh turns into 2 Rotten Flesh

A Rarer Mob drop is 1 Shulker Shell and 8 Corrupt Essence into 2 Shulker Shell 

Corrupt Essence can be given to animals to corrupt them.


Cows, Sheep, Pigs and Rabbits can be corrupted

Feeding Corrupt Essence to theses Animals(Right-Clicking) has a 1/4 chance to corrupt them.

When an animal Corrupts, they turn into a more steve like model with Red Evil Eyes.

Corrupt Animals will Attack you, They have 20 Hearts and Deal 4 Base Damage.

When Killed they drop twice the drops of a normal animal

They also have a rare chance to drop Corrupt Core Fragments (1/3), which can be used to make Ability Cores.


4 Corrupt Core Fragments are needed to make Ability Cores.

To Craft combine 4 Corrupt Cores with 5 Corrupt Essence in a Crafting Table.

Each Ability Core has it's own unique ability, They have 64 Durability and go on cooldown when used.


Cow Core - Heal - Heals the user and Also Gives Regeneration on Use

Sheep Core - Resisatance - Gives Resistance and Fire Resistance on Use

 Rabbit Core - Movement - Gives Speed and Jump Boost on Use

Pig Core - Devourer All - Gives the Devourer All Effect on Use.

Devourer All Effect allow you to Eat Blocks and Entites around you for Food




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