Mod Create Automated by kotakotik22

  • Create Automated by kotakotik22

    Automate your Create factory with new machines!
    • 474.17 KB
    • 1.16.5
    • July 23, 2021
    • December 2, 2021
    • CraftTweaker
    Create Automated
Mod Information
NameCreate AutomatedAuthorkotakotik22DescriptionAutomate your Create factory with new machines!
Version: 1.16.5
Size: 474.17 KB
Updated at: December 2, 2021
Created at: July 23, 2021

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Create Automated allows automating items previously not automatable and adds ways of automating some of the ones that already are

This mod will constantly expand with new features

Current features:

  • Ore Extractor: Allows extracting from nodes found in the world, but requires a large amount of stress capacity
  • Picker: Allows picking tiny bits from materials
  • Sponge sails (lava and water): Allow changing air flows without fluids


  • JEI: Extracting and picking recipes have JEI categories
  • CraftTweaker: Recipe builders for extracting and picking recipes
    • ContentTweaker: Allows adding custom drill heads for extractors
  • KubeJS (1.1.0+): Allows adding extracting and picking recipes and adding drill heads