Mod Create Central Kitchen by DragonsPlus

  • Create Central Kitchen by DragonsPlus

    Automatic Kitchen Work & Integration
    • 179505
    • 994.12 KB
    • 1.18.2
    • February 2, 2023
    • September 24, 2023
    • Addons
    Create Central Kitchen
Mod Information
NameCreate Central KitchenAuthorDragonsPlusDescriptionAutomatic Kitchen Work & Integration
InformationDownloads: 179505
Version: 1.18.2
Size: 994.12 KB
Updated at: September 24, 2023
Created at: February 2, 2023


Welcome to Create Central Kitchen, a mod offering more tools and methods to automate food processing for other mods in Create.


We currently offer:

  • Blaze Stove: Give your Blaze a guide and turn it into a master chef! Blaze Stove will provide Mechanical Arm support for kitchenwares including: Cooking Pot (Farmer's Delight), Kettle (Farmer's Respite), Copper Pot (Miner's Delight). Blaze Stove can also boost cooking up to 4x for the kitchenware above!
  • Cutting Board Recipe Automation: Deployer can now perform Cutting Board Recipes (Farmer's Delight) on Belt and Depot.
  • Smarter Basket: Basket (Farmer's Delight) can now directly interact with Belt and Mechanical Arm.
  • Harvester Compat: Harvester is now compatible with Mushroom Colonies (Farmer's Delight), Tea Bush (Farmer's Respite), Coffee (Farmer's Respite), Propelplant (Nether's Delight), Lime Bush (Collector's Reap), Pomegranate Bush (Collector's Reap)
  • Pie Overhaul: Overhaul vanilla and modded pies in Farmer's Delight style, with placable blocks and slices.
  • Cake Slice Integration: Add cake slices for non Farmer's Delight add-ons.
  • Fluid Integration: Provide fluid for sauces, drinks, ice creams and more!
  • Recipe Integration: Added hundreds of integration recipes in Create style, including Sequenced Assembly Recipes for Sandwiches, Burgers and Pies.
  • Reasonable Automatic Mixing: Shapeless Recipes with certain container items (Glass Bottle, Bowl, Bucket) involved are now excluded from Automatic Mixing.
  • Smarter Upright on Belt: Items with certain containers (Glass Bottle, Bowl, Bucket) are now automatically rendered upright on belt, without needing specifying item tag create:upright_on_belt.


Installation Requirements:


Supported Mods: 




ZaihnY (Russian localization)

V972 (Ukrainian localization)

QinomeD (Polish localization)

RakuGaki-MC (Japanese localization)

albertosaurio65 (European Spanish localization)

EvanHsieh0415 (Traditional Chinese localization)