Mod Create Enchantment Industry by DragonsPlus
- 762945
- 450.97 KB
- 1.18.2
- October 15, 2022
- September 23, 2023
- AddonsTechnology
Name | Create Enchantment Industry | Author | DragonsPlus | Description | Automatic Enchanting, with Create. |
Information | Downloads: 762945 Version: 1.18.2 Size: 450.97 KB Updated at: September 23, 2023 Created at: October 15, 2022 | Tags | Addons Technology |
Welcome to Create Enchantment Industry, a mod offering more tools and methods to handle experience & enchantment in Create.
We currently offer:
Liquid Experiecne: High-density experience that is easy to store and transport.
Disenchanter: disenchant item and collect experience as liquid.
Blaze Enchanter: automated enchanting.
Printer: Copy your written book and enchanted book.
Deployer Tweak: Kills of deployer drop experience nugget .
Hyper-enchant mechanism allows you to get enchantment whose level is higher than level cap.
Mending on belt: Items enchanted with Mending can be repaired using Spout and Liquid Experience.
Compat with other mods:
Experience Rotor: Convert liquid experiece of other mods to Liquid Experiece of this mod.
Compat with Apotheosis: Automatic adaptation to Apotheosis & Brewable Ancient Knowledge potion.
Installation Requirements: Forge & Create
RBus (Polish localization)
qkrehf2 (Korean localization)
Omokage-R (Japanese localization)
Daniel366Cobra, luffypirat (Russian localization)
albertosaurio65 (European Spanish localization)
MEGATREX4 (Ukrainian localization)
EvanHsieh0415 (Traditional Chinese localization)