Mod Create Fabric by tropheusj
- 2580926
- 22.79 MB
- 1.20.1
- May 17, 2022
- August 24, 2023
- Armor, Tools, and WeaponsCosmeticRedstoneTechnology
Name | Create Fabric | Author | tropheusj | Description | Building Tools and Aesthetic Technology |
Information | Downloads: 2580926 Version: 1.20.1 Size: 22.79 MB Updated at: August 24, 2023 Created at: May 17, 2022 | Tags | Armor, Tools, and Weapons Cosmetic Redstone Technology |
Installation Requirements
This version of Create runs on Fabric and Quilt only.
You can find the version compatible with the Forge ecosystem here.
Thanks to our wonderful Patrons
sintrinsic | Daniel P. | Kyrinon | niraami |
Ulisses | BananaIguana | Pongo Sapiens | Redmecha |
Kenneth | Viriss | Trakinson | AcidKat |
rancorasaurous | bonemill | OldShadowHand | dude |
KnyteGaming | Cali | CyanSoup | Romblood |
lurker | DerpTime | Lolaa | _Kilburn |
MrOxiMoron | idlesn0w | Gabriel M. | PieKing1215 |
No One | Pixus | Spammy | nwmqpa |
A | jonas | Dannnis | Lyren |
lujoBoy | Tugu | Shaun Francis H. | Thor7O |
DigitalSeraphim | Bootstrap22 | Marksmen | Yuri |
Queso2469 | Zanthros | Lubey | LesserFlame |
millatime21 | bagofsquirrels | ZizouMunoz | sensual kazoo |
vesperdem | Big Saffron | rtwishon | Jean Machine |
CottonHeads | chimericdream | Gyro | Jehrendil |
Slaser360 | Myra G. | Guy | jpc |
LaserLemons | Miner of 8 bits | hazmodan | moss |
Sunlis | Theishiopian | Jink | AshCraft |
IllegalEagle | Guybrush | Requios | 4096 RF |
zaknirahc | TheDankMemeRises | tomd1969 | VirenRunner |
LolaLela | serkan | Silviuz | Jester |
Kyle | Niv | Prusias | Fredster |
Redstone Says | azurecrab5 | Freeziu | End_Rage |
Lombbm | TytusDeZoo | Halcyon_Daze | Guilherme R. |
Michael M. | Loukenshrew | tater | Spencer G. |
breadtoast | Poke_Heart | 501warhead | Captain S. |
Chewy | Nary | SillySnowFox | Quacky |
Welcome to Create, a mod offering a variety of tools and blocks for Building, Decoration and Aesthetic Automation.
The added elements of tech are designed to leave as many design choices to the player as possible. With Create, the game isn't played inside a bunch of UIs, it challenges you to setup contraptions of animated components working together in many possible arrangements.
Create's visual in-game documentation called 'Ponder' will guide you though all added mechanics and gadgets.
Important: In order to be able to see all recipes required in Create, consider installing a Recipe Viewer mod. Create has full support for JEI, REI, and EMI. The vanilla recipe book will not be able to guide you through the experience by itself.
Find out about supported versions and what's currently in the works in this dedicated wiki page.
Dear commenters, please be nice to each other- if people are asking for ports, just link them this page
simibubi, Jozufozu, Pepper
Zelophed, gamez7, Grimmauld, Snownee
Pepper, Tropheus Jay, AlphaMode
smellypengu, Aeiou, Whangd00dle, YTG123
Kryppers, voxel_dani, LeastReality, vectorwing
tterrag, evanthebruce, D'Arcy Olla, Kayla
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