Mod Create Sifting Refabricated by Monster__zero

  • Create Sifting Refabricated by Monster__zero

    Create Sifting
    • 193.12 KB
    • 1.18.2
    • January 5, 2023
    • January 4, 2023
    • Ores and Resources
    Create Sifting Refabricated
Mod Information
NameCreate Sifting RefabricatedAuthorMonster__zeroDescriptionCreate Sifting
Version: 1.18.2
Size: 193.12 KB
Updated at: January 4, 2023
Created at: January 5, 2023
Ores and Resources

This is the 1.18.2 Fabric Port of


Below is the original information:



Create Sifting

A simple sifter for the amazing create mod. This mod it's meant to be used in modpacks. Only contains very basic ore recipes.

Heavily inspired on ex nihilo sieve.


> Works with the sifter or in hand (like create sandpaper) - Tiers: String, Andesite, Zinc, Brass - When in hand it sifts the block in the off-hand.


> Automated sifting. Based on the Millstone block works more or less in the same way. You can toss items on top or feed it with any item automated way (hoppers, funnels, chute...) - Right Click with a mesh to add it. - Recipes can have a mesh, but it's not required.

Waterlogged feature

  • Sifters can be waterlogged to get different output.
  • In hand meshes act as waterlogged when the player is in a LiquidBlock

Sifting recipes

  • Put the mesh and the siftable block in the ingredients, in any order.
  • results is a list of items
  • Default processingTime is 200. You can override this value in the recipe.
  • Default waterlogged is false. You can override this value in the recipe.

  • Example: { "type": "createsifter:sifting", "ingredients": [ { "item": "createsifter:andesite_mesh" }, { "item": "minecraft:gravel" } ], "results": [ { "item": "create:copper_nugget", "chance": 0.1 }, { "item": "create:zinc_nugget", "chance": 0.1 }, { "item": "minecraft:iron_nugget", "chance": 0.05 }, { "item": "minecraft:gold_nugget", "chance": 0.15 }, { "item": "minecraft:coal", "chance": 0.1 }, { "item": "minecraft:flint", "chance": 0.1 } ], "processingTime": 500 }

  • Waterlogged Example: { "type": "createsifter:sifting", "ingredients": [ { "item": "createsifter:string_mesh" }, { "item": "minecraft:dirt" } ], "results": [ { "item": "minecraft:kelp", "chance": 0.1 } ], "processingTime": 500, "waterlogged": true }

Thanks to the Creators of Create.

Code inspiration from Create Craft & Additions and the Create mod itself.

KubeJS 5 integration:

  • For minecraft 1.18.2

Adding recipes (server script)

``` //[], input[]) // Optional .waterlogged() .processingTime(int time)

// Basic Example[Item.of('minecraft:clay').withChance(0.5).toJson(),Item.of('minecraft:redstone').withChance(0.1).toJson()], ['minecraft:sand','createsifter:string_mesh'])

//Waterlogged example[Item.of('minecraft:clay').withChance(0.5).toJson()], ['minecraft:sand','createsifter:string_mesh']).waterlogged() ```

Adding custom meshes (startup script)

event.create('example_mesh','createsifter:mesh').displayName('Example mesh')

KubeJS 6 integration (tested with 1902.6.0-build.121 version)

  • For minecraft 1.19.2
  • KubeJS 6 is in a very active development phase. Breaking changes may happen... be patient plz. I'll try to keep up with updates.
  • withChance method needs toJson to work properly.

Adding recipes (server script)

``` //[], input[]) // Optional .waterlogged() .processingTime(int time)

// Basic Example[Item.of('minecraft:clay').withChance(0.5).toJson(),Item.of('minecraft:redstone').withChance(0.1).toJson()], ['minecraft:sand','createsifter:string_mesh'])

// Waterlogged example[Item.of('minecraft:clay').withChance(0.5).toJson()], ['minecraft:sand','createsifter:string_mesh']).waterlogged()

// Custom mesh example. Custom mesh ID comes from the Startup Script[Item.of('minecraft:glowstonedust').withChance(0.5).toJson(),Item.of('minecraft:redstone').withChance(0.1).toJson()], ['minecraft:sand','kubejs:examplemesh'])


Adding custom meshes (startup script)

event.create('example_mesh','createsifter:mesh').displayName('Example mesh')