Mod Create: Alloyed by MythrilBagels
- 1107090
- 328.51 KB
- 1.19.2
- January 6, 2022
- June 15, 2023
- AddonsArmor, Tools, and WeaponsCosmeticTechnology
Name | Create: Alloyed | Author | MythrilBagels | Description | An addon for the Create mod that adds Steel and Bronze ingots, as well as related items. |
Information | Downloads: 1107090 Version: 1.19.2 Size: 328.51 KB Updated at: June 15, 2023 Created at: January 6, 2022 | Tags | Addons Armor, Tools, and Weapons Cosmetic Technology |
"Alloys are metallic substances consisting of two or more other elements."
Create: Alloyed is an addon for the Create mod that expands on the idea of alloys by adding two new alloys, Bronze and Steel, along with several blocks and items related to these metals.
Bronze is a Copper alloy and is most commonly used for decorations and instruments.
Steel is an Iron alloy and is commonly known for its durability and strength in structures and tools.
!!! Please always get the most recent version of the mod! The mod is heavily in development and every update will bring important changes !!!
Q: "What mods does this mod have compat for?"
A: Currently, we support Farmer's Delight (custom steel knife item) and Create: Deco with new Steel variants of all their blocks. (Steel Sheet Metal and blockset, Steel Doors, and Steel Bars are available without Create: Deco loaded. Steel Catwalk, Steel Sheet Metal Vertical Slab, and Steel Mesh Fence are not.)
Q: "I've found an issue, where do I report it? What if I have an idea for a feature? Maybe I have a question?"
A: File an issue report/feature request/question here (Be sure to take a look at the pinned Issue Template!)
Made by Team Molybdenum:
- MythrilBagels - Founder, Artist
- SpottyTheTurtle - Developer
- FortressNebula - Developer