Mod Create: Crystal Clear by singularity_cyvack

  • Create: Crystal Clear by singularity_cyvack

    A mod that adds glass casings to create
    • 577140
    • 264.43 KB
    • 1.19.2
    • September 6, 2022
    • May 26, 2023
    • Cosmetic
    Create: Crystal Clear
Mod Information
NameCreate: Crystal ClearAuthorsingularity_cyvackDescriptionA mod that adds glass casings to create
InformationDownloads: 577140
Version: 1.19.2
Size: 264.43 KB
Updated at: May 26, 2023
Created at: September 6, 2022

Create: Crystal Clear


Currently you are unable to encase pipes with glass casings.

I am working on that functionality, though it may take a while.


Modrinth Page:
Create Crystal Clear


Installation Requirements

This mod requires Create (0.5.0d+) in order to work. If you're having troubles with the mod not loading, make sure you have the correct create version installed.



Create: Crystal Clear is a mod that adds glass casings to create, along with adding a few other glass related things in the near future.

To craft the casings, you simply right click the respective casings with framed glass. To get the clear glass casings, you do the same thing, but with the glass casing version.