Mod Create: Molten Vents by apothicono2

  • Create: Molten Vents by apothicono2

    A renewable source of create's orestones
    • 81.83 KB
    • 1.18.2
    • February 9, 2023
    • September 21, 2023
    • Automation
      Ores and Resources
      World Gen
    Create: Molten Vents
Mod Information
NameCreate: Molten VentsAuthorapothicono2DescriptionA renewable source of create's orestones
Version: 1.18.2
Size: 81.83 KB
Updated at: September 21, 2023
Created at: February 9, 2023
Ores and Resources
World Gen

Molten Vents is a mod which adds a renewable source of the orestones found in the Create mod. These ore stones include: Veridium, Asurine, Crimsite, & Ochrum.
The vents contain dormant orestones scattered through them, which when activated with TNT will convert into molten orestones which will convert lava into the corresponding orestone when near it.
There are many configurable options for this mod to suit everybody's playstyle.

IMPORTANT: To activate the dormant orestones you must place a TNT directly above them. This will explode the visual debris on the texture of the block and convert it into a molten orestone, allowing it to make contact with and begin converting lava into the orestones.

Currently added vents include:
- Veridium Vent
- Asurine Vent
- Crimsite Vent
- Ochrum Vent


The difference between Molten Vents and my other mod Molten Geodes is that the vents generate on the surface without a massive obsidian shell around them. They are by default much rarer (configurable) when compared to molten geodes, but this encourages the use of trains and makes up for the easiness of being able to find these on the surface.

This mod may be used in any modpack.