Mod Create: Supercharged by phicctv
- 111.59 KB
- 1.18.2
- April 26, 2022
- May 3, 2022
- Technology
Name | Create: Supercharged | Author | phicctv | Description | Reimplements Chromatic Compound and it's alloys in a new farmable way! |
Information | Downloads: Version: 1.18.2 Size: 111.59 KB Updated at: May 3, 2022 Created at: April 26, 2022 | Tags | Technology |
Chromatic Return re-adds Chromatic Compound in a completely different way which incentivises factories and large farms.
This is a relatively simple mod and acts more as a core mod for other addons coming with this 1.18 version of Create.
Glowing Ingots - A hot to the touch bar of Brass that has been doused in lava, key part of crafting Chromatic Compound.
Raw Nugget - What is left after draining a Nugget of Experience, key part in crafting Chromatic Compound.
Charcoal Dust - Rarely dropped from crushing Charcoal, key part in creating Shadow Essence to make Shadow Steel.
Casts & Parts - Casts are made with Shadow Steel and are used to save Netherite when crafting tools (using only 1 scrap per tool) and craft end-game tools.
Shadow Steel Swords and Paxels - These can be forged using casts and mechanical presses, they are unbreakable and far better than Netherite.
Refined Radiance Swords and Paxels - The same as Shadow Steel but with slightly different right click abilities (COMING SOON)
All tools added to this mod will have right-click abilities that will use the corresponding alloy as fuel (COMING SOON)
All recipes can be found using JEI.