Mod Cull Clouds by yugamiineena

  • Cull Clouds by yugamiineena

    Improving clouds building way to not render parts which you cant see to increase fps
    • 17.01 KB
    • 1.18.2
    • November 2, 2022
    • November 7, 2022
    • Magic
      Utility & QoL
      World Gen
    Cull Clouds
Mod Information
NameCull CloudsAuthoryugamiineenaDescriptionImproving clouds building way to not render parts which you cant see to increase fps
Version: 1.18.2
Size: 17.01 KB
Updated at: November 7, 2022
Created at: November 2, 2022
Utility & QoL
World Gen

Cull Clouds

Fabric mod that adds a small optimization improves clouds building way to not render parts which you cant see to increase fps

Works only with "Fancy" clouds

Chat with me on Discord


This mod has compatibility issues, I tested it with two mods:

Extended Clouds - does not run with Cull Clouds

SuperFancyClouds - runs, but Cull Clouds does nothing

The list of incompatibilities may grow, because in order to improve the vanilla clouds, Cull Clouds is essentially rewriting it



Here's a comparison of fps between Vanilla and Cull Clouds


If you're not playing on a flat world, the increase may be very small, something like a 1-2 fps difference

FPS Comparison