Mod Custom Stars [Fabric] by b3spectacled
- 26.92 KB
- 1.20.2
- October 8, 2020
- June 8, 2023
- Cosmetic
Mod Information
Name | Custom Stars [Fabric] | Author | b3spectacled | Description | Configurable star size, count, and color |
Information | Downloads: Version: 1.20.2 Size: 26.92 KB Updated at: June 8, 2023 Created at: October 8, 2020 | Tags | Cosmetic |
Custom Stars -- Configurable Star Size and Counts
Fabric API and Cloth Config are required!
This is a simple client-side Fabric mod that allows you to configure the size, number, and overall color of stars in the night sky. There are also some End Sky options.
Made as a companion mod to my old world gen mod, Modern Beta, you can use this to restore the original pre-1.3.1 stars!
You can configure Custom Stars through Mod Menu (recommended) or in the config/customstars.json file.
The current options are:
Star Size/Count
- Base Size (default: 0.15): Base star size.
- Max Star Size Multiplier (default: 0.1): Multiplier for maximum star size. Higher values will increase maximum star size. Setting to 0 will make all stars the size of base_size.
- Star Count (default: 1500): Number of stars to render.
- Star Brightness (default: 1.0): Overall brightness of stars.
Star Noise
- Star Noise (default: false): Enable/disable rendering stars with a noisemap.
- Star Noise Seed (default: 10842): Seed for star noise sampler.
- Star Noise Threshold (default: 0.5): Noise threshold for star placement. Higher values mean stars will be grouped in smaller areas.
- Star Noise Percentage (default: 50): Percentage of stars distributed using noise vs. having vanilla randomized positions.
Star Color
- Star Color Type (default: SINGLE): Color type of stars, either SINGLE (Single star color), RANDOM (Randomly generated star colors), or CUSTOM (Randomly picked star colors from a custom list).
- Single Star Color: RGBA color values for SINGLE star color type.
- Custom Star Colors: List of RGBA color values for CUSTOM star color type. Can be modified in Mod Menu or in the config file.
- Moon Deadzone (default: false): Prevent stars from rendering on the moon texture.
- Moon Deadzone Shape (default: SQUARE): Shape of the moon deadzone, either SQUARE or CIRCLE.
- Moon Deadzone Size (default: 5.0): Size of moon deadzone.
Night Sky Color
- Red (default: 0): Red color component of night sky, range 0-255.
- Green (default: 0): Green color component of night sky, range 0-255.
- Blue (default: 0): Blue color component of night sky, range 0-255.
- Moon Deadzone (default: false): Prevent stars from rendering on the moon texture.
End Sky
- Size Multiplier (default: 1.0): Multiplier for end sky texture size, range 0.0-1.0.
- Red (default: 40): Red color component of end sky, range 0-255.
- Green (default: 40): Green color component of end sky, range 0-255.
- Blue (default: 40): Blue color component of end sky, range 0-255.
- Alpha (default: 1.0): Multiplier for end sky brightness.
For classic pre-1.3.1 stars, use the following values:
- Base Size: 0.25
- Max Star Size Multiplier: 0.25
- All other options should be left at default.
- Thanks to egeesin for providing Turkish translations.
- Thanks to Francy-chan for updating to 1.18.2.