Mod Custom Villager Professions (Forge) by SpaceCat_97

  • Custom Villager Professions (Forge) by SpaceCat_97

    Create your own villager professions
    • 20.79 KB
    • 1.19.2
    • July 29, 2021
    • February 12, 2023
    • Addons
      Adventure and RPG
      Server Utility
    Custom Villager Professions (Forge)
Mod Information
NameCustom Villager Professions (Forge)AuthorSpaceCat_97DescriptionCreate your own villager professions
Version: 1.19.2
Size: 20.79 KB
Updated at: February 12, 2023
Created at: July 29, 2021
Adventure and RPG
Server Utility

This mod is designed to give you the ability to add your own villager professions. Intended for modpack authors.

By default, no professions are added. You will need to follow the instructions below to create them.


This is the Forge version of Custom Professions.

As of version 19.3.0, this mod now requires Architectury API (Fabric/Fo... - Mods - Minecraft - CurseForge


The fabric version can be found here: Custom Villager Professions... - Mods - Minecraft - CurseForge


How does it work?

This mod reads from a specific directory to create user-defined professions. You will need to also create your own texture.

Upon loading, this mod will read all the files you've created and register the new profession, along with the required POI block.


Register your own profession.

Register the POI block required for the villager to work at.

Custom textures for the villager.


This mod does not add any trades, in order to do that please use my other mod, Custom Villager Trades - Mods - Minecraft - CurseForge.

If your villager has no name, or texture, double check your resource pack is enabled.

How to configure

Configuring this mod is very straightforward.

1. Create a JSON file in "config/custom professions". It can be named whatever you please.

        - This JSON file will hold the data required to make the profession. It must contain 2 fields:

                - "professionName": This is the name of your profession.

                - "blockPOIkey": This is the registry key of the block that the villager will work at. Example: "minecraft:emerald_block"

        - Example Profession -

2. Create a resource pack to store the villager texture and display name.

        - The texture must be the same format as the vanilla villager texture.

        - The texture must be stored in: "\assets\spacecatcustomprofessions\textures\entity\villager\profession\"

        - The lang file naming is as follows: "entity.minecraft.villager.spacecatcustomprofessions.test": "Test"

                - the word 'test' must be replaced with the "professionName" you used in the config. The field value is the display name.


Don't forget to enable the resource pack in the game options.

This mod is designed as a companion for my other mod, Custom Villager Trades - Mods - Minecraft - CurseForge.


Please feel free to join my discord server if you need any support!