Mod DDSSUtils by dierke9

  • DDSSUtils by dierke9

    Mod that handles some fixes for the DD&SS modpack
    • 67.08 KB
    • 1.12.2
    • January 5, 2019
    • March 7, 2019
    • Miscellaneous
Mod Information
NameDDSSUtilsAuthordierke9DescriptionMod that handles some fixes for the DD&SS modpack
Version: 1.12.2
Size: 67.08 KB
Updated at: March 7, 2019
Created at: January 5, 2019

This mod has been created for a modpack called

Dungeons, Dragons & Space Shuttles.



The mod currently does the following things:

- Disables the ability to change Mob Spawner Type with Spawn Eggs

- /dimlist to see all of the current dimensiontypes and their id's

- /tpdim <id> to teleport to another dimensions