Mod Datapack Portals by Kyrptonaught

  • Datapack Portals by Kyrptonaught

    Create custom portals using CustomPortalApi with datapacks
    • 237.23 KB
    • 1.20.1
    • November 28, 2020
    • June 15, 2023
    • API and Library
      Player Transport
      Server Utility
    Datapack Portals
Mod Information
NameDatapack PortalsAuthorKyrptonaughtDescriptionCreate custom portals using CustomPortalApi with datapacks
Version: 1.20.1
Size: 237.23 KB
Updated at: June 15, 2023
Created at: November 28, 2020
API and Library
Player Transport
Server Utility

Datapack Portals

Create custom portals using CustomPortalApi with datapacks.

Inside your datapack create a "portals" folder, this is where you'll put all your custom portals. There is no set limit of allowed portals, as long as there aren't any duplicate frame blocks. See an example datapack here

Here is an example file: stoneendportal.json


       "block": "minecraft:stone",  

    "dim": "minecraft:the_end",  

    "r": 66,  

    "g": 135,  

    "b": 245

  • block: the block used for the frame.
  • dim: the dim id to travel to
  • r, g, b: the color to tint the portal

There are also some optional arguments

  • ignitionType: the type of ignition to use. Options are "BLOCK", "FLUID", "ITEM".
  • ignitionSource: the id for block/item/fluid for ignition of the portal, the only supported block being fire : "minecraft:fire". All items and fluids are supported.
  • returnDim: the dimmension to return to, allows for specifying a location other than the overworld to return to

That is all! Portals will function exactly like vanilla nether portals do portals and stuff