Mod Debugify by XanderIsDev
- 4874645
- 354.48 KB
- 1.20.2
- March 19, 2022
- September 27, 2023
- Utility & QoL
Name | Debugify | Author | XanderIsDev | Description | Fixes Minecraft bugs found on the bug tracker |
Information | Downloads: 4874645 Version: 1.20.2 Size: 354.48 KB Updated at: September 27, 2023 Created at: March 19, 2022 | Tags | Utility & QoL |
Debugify is a project that fixes over 70 bugs found on the bug tracker in Minecraft. (and does nothing more!)
What does this mod replace?
This mod replaces many mods and implements fixes from some others
- Shift-Scroll Fix
- ForgetMeChunk
- ChunkSavingFix
- force-close-world-loading-screen: Missing option to remove menu fully (as it isn't a bug)
- No Telemetry
- ToolTipFix: Alternative method - tooltips still go off-screen in modded scenarios
- Title Fix Mod
- Entity Collision FPS Fix Refabricated
- Ctrl Q: Missing other QOL features that aren't bugs.
- Skeleton Aiming Fix
These superseded mods are not hard conflicts and can be used in conjunction with Debugify for any additional advanced features.
Links and other info
GitHub • Curseforge • Modrinth • Patched bug list • Discord
What if I want to enable some bug fixes, but not others?
Debugify has a configuration GUI accessible by Fabric's Mod Menu.
If you don't want to it, there is always the configuration file located at
Client, or Server?
Debugify includes many fixes for both the client and server (all server fixes also apply to client). So you should definitely use it on both.
Can I include this in my modpack?
Yes! Of course! I even added a little feature in the mod for you! The constant updates may be exhausting to maintain, so I added a config option that defaults new bug fixes to off, until you get round to looking at it.
- isXander - Founder of project
- Contributors - For PRing new fixes!
- MoonTidez - Creating an awesome logo!