Mod Diet - Updated (Unofficial) by ccr4ft3r
- 204.96 KB
- 1.19.2
- April 11, 2023
- April 10, 2023
- FoodUtility & QoL
Name | Diet - Updated (Unofficial) | Author | ccr4ft3r | Description | A customizable food group-based nutrition and diet system. |
Information | Downloads: Version: 1.19.2 Size: 204.96 KB Updated at: April 10, 2023 Created at: April 11, 2023 | Tags | Food Utility & QoL |
This is a unofficial 1.19.2 port of Diet.
The original copyright owner is TheIllusiveC4.
This port currently does not change any of the original implementations. On code side the only differences are the updated class/method references.
Diet is a mod that facilitates the creation and management of dietary food groups in Minecraft. Diet comes with a default configuration that creates five classical food groups (fruits, grains, vegetables, proteins, and sugars). The mod is highly configurable; users and modpack developers can define their own food groups, classifications, and diet effects.
Please do not report issues with this port to the original owner.
This port is not going to receive new features - only bugfixes, since it's just a placeholder, until it's officially updated to 1.19.2