Mod Diggus Maximus by Kyrptonaught
- 221.76 KB
- 1.20.1
- September 16, 2019
- June 19, 2023
- MiscellaneousOres and Resources
Mod Information
Name | Diggus Maximus | Author | Kyrptonaught | Description | Lightweight vein mining for Fabric 1.14+ |
Information | Downloads: Version: 1.20.1 Size: 221.76 KB Updated at: June 19, 2023 Created at: September 16, 2019 | Tags | Miscellaneous Ores and Resources |
Diggus Maximus is a mod for Fabric bringing quick and easy "Vein Mining".
Please be sure to check out all the mods that this mod has been inspired by, EasyExcavate, Ore Excavation, VeinMiner.
A mod created to make mining veins of the same blocks significantly easier. Simply hold the "excavate" key(bound to ~ by default,configurable) while mining a block and all the connected blocks will be mined as well, saving you the time from mining each individually.
Diggus Maximus is highly configurable, featuring:
- Automatically picking up the mined blocks
- maximum number of blocks to mine
- max distance from start block to spread
- the ability to excavate with your hand
- Tool durability
- Player exhaustion
- A blacklist/whitelist
- Auto stopping before tool breaks
- Support for mining BlockTags
Diggus Maximus is required to be installed on both the client, and the server. While playing on a server, the server config will override the clients