Mod Dimensional Paintings by Mrbysco

  • Dimensional Paintings by Mrbysco

    Teleport between dimensions by jumping into paintings
    • 61.64 KB
    • 1.19.2
    • May 9, 2021
    • June 26, 2023
    • Cosmetic
      Player Transport
    Dimensional Paintings
Mod Information
NameDimensional PaintingsAuthorMrbyscoDescriptionTeleport between dimensions by jumping into paintings
Version: 1.19.2
Size: 61.64 KB
Updated at: June 26, 2023
Created at: May 9, 2021
Player Transport


This mod allows you to move between dimensions by jumping through specialized paintings.

Once crafted you can place the paintings and you'll be able to travel to the designated dimension. Just know they take up a 4 by 2 area.


But be weary, the paintings are one way! If you forget to take an Overworld painting with you... You'll have a hard time getting back.

The paintings will link if there's a painting on the other side within a 200 block area.



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