Mod Dirt2Path [FORGE] by mallrat208
- 9274711
- 5.93 KB
- 1.12.2
- April 8, 2017
- August 30, 2019
- Armor, Tools, and Weapons
Mod Information
Name | Dirt2Path [FORGE] | Author | mallrat208 | Description | Dirt2Path lets you convert Dirt Blocks into Path Blocks when using a Shovel |
Information | Downloads: 9274711 Version: 1.12.2 Size: 5.93 KB Updated at: August 30, 2019 Created at: April 8, 2017 | Tags | Armor, Tools, and Weapons |
Dirt2Path is a simple mod that allows you to convert Dirt Blocks into Grass Path Blocks. This saves you the time of having to wait for grass to grow and then converting it into a path.
Dirt2Path should work with any tool that extends ItemSpade from Minecraft or can harvest a Snow Block.
1.5.0: Added CoFH Core ItemShovelCore Workaroud. Enable to have TF Shovels pack vanilla Grass into vanilla Path blocks
1.4.0: Botania support added. Config added.
1.3.0: Take Backsies are here, Right Click a Path Block to convert it back to Dirt
1.2.0: Support has been added for Biomes O Plenty Loamy, Sandy, and Silty Dirt
1.1.0: Dirt2Path works with both Minecraft 1.10.2 and 1.11.2
1.0.0: Initial Release. Right Click on a Dirt Block to convert it to a Path