Mod Discarnate by Virtuoel
- 123.70 KB
- 1.20.1
- October 14, 2018
- August 8, 2023
- MagicMiscellaneous
Name | Discarnate | Author | Virtuoel | Description | Let a spirit control your body to do your bidding |
Information | Downloads: Version: 1.20.1 Size: 123.70 KB Updated at: August 8, 2023 Created at: October 14, 2018 | Tags | Magic Miscellaneous |
This mod allows you to channel the trapped spirit of a Vex and have it perform tasks for you for the cost of one level of experience per group of tasks. (And also at the cost of your body being the tool it uses to carry out your orders, but you're OK with that, right?)
Begin by crafting a Spirit Channeler and place some Task items inside in the order you want them to run. Adjust the timings with Wait Tasks placed in between other Tasks. For Tasks that run over a period of time, the more Task items are in a stack, the longer the Task will run.
The Channeler only has 25 usable slots for valid Task items, so plan your orders carefully. However, there have been rumors that the lurking guards of End Cities may provide some way to greatly increase the limit.
If the spirits you channel happen to be a bit reluctant, try "attracting" them to your body with a Carved Pumpkin.
Please post issues on the issue tracker on GitHub and not in the comments.
Feel free to use it in any modpacks.
This mod should NOT be reposted to any mod rehosting websites UNLESS no files are copied over and the download is linked back to CurseForge.