Mod Dot Coin Mod (Forge) by SpaceCat_97
- 70.19 KB
- 1.19.2
- March 18, 2021
- April 3, 2023
- AddonsAdventure and RPGServer Utility
Name | Dot Coin Mod (Forge) | Author | SpaceCat_97 | Description | Adds coin loot to Minecraft |
Information | Downloads: Version: 1.19.2 Size: 70.19 KB Updated at: April 3, 2023 Created at: March 18, 2021 | Tags | Addons Adventure and RPG Server Utility |
This is the Forge version of DCM.
As of version 19.14.0, this mod now requires Architectury API (Fabric/Fo... - Mods - Minecraft - CurseForge
The fabric version can be found here: Dot Coin Mod (Fabric) - Mods - Minecraft - CurseForge
This mod adds uncraftable coins to the game that can be dropped by mobs.
This mod is created for modpacks and servers. It is highly customizable, so take a look at the config!
Feature list (Expand the spoiler)
Copper, Silver, Gold and Platinum coins that can be dropped from any living thing.
A bag and purse to store the coins in.
Modded mobs support (the mod entities must extend LivingEntity).
Extended mod support through configuration.
A wide range of configuration options for you to fine-tune this mod to best suit the theme and gameplay.
Curios slot support. Auto pickup no longer uses curios, no keybinds any more either.
Chest loot support (with configurable amounts).
Coin conversion can be disabled.
A special coin inventory! This 'wallet' should be accessible from any inventory. It can be moved on screen too.
Auto coin pickup that deposits straight in to the wallet.
Drop Rates
Coin drop rates are easily configurable and can be changed in the config file. Here are the default values:
- Copper coin - 65%
- Silver coin - 24%
- Gold coin - 8%
- Platinum coin - 1%
The rarity does not change according to the entity it is dropped from. This means that both a zombie and ender dragon have a 1% chance of dropping the platinum coin.
However, the amount of health the entity has will affect the amount of coins dropped. By default the amount of coins dropped is the entity health / 20 (plus any looting enchantments).
Example: If a mob has 40 health, it will drop 2 coins (40 / 20 = 2).
Conversion Rates
By default, this is the conversion rate for each coin. This can be changed in the config file.
- 10 copper coins are equal to 1 silver coin.
- 10 silver coins are equal to 1 gold coin.
- 10 gold coins are equal to 1 platinum coin.
To convert the coins to the next level: Hold the stack in your hand and right click it (must be in survival).
To convert the coins to their previous level: Hold the stack in your hand and shift + right click.
Coin conversion can be disabled by setting the "conversionRate" option to 0.
You can also disable specific coins. Important things to note:
- If a coin is disabled, it will be skipped when converting a coin up/down. For example, if gold is disabled, converting iron coins will go straight to platinum and vice-versa.
- WARNING: Disabling coins will remove it from the loot table, changing the loot weights. Be sure to test and modify them accordingly.
Server admin note: I have implemented a custom packet that will tell the client what the conversion rate is when they join the server. This should stop any cheaters from overcoming the limit and putting their own configured rate in. If you find someone exploiting this please let me know and provide as much info as possible. I'll do my best to fix it!
Villager Trading
As of version 5.3, villager trades no longer exist in this mod.
Instead install my other mod, Custom Villager Trades, and you can define your own trades!
Custom Villager Trades - Mods - Minecraft - CurseForge
Config Notes
minimumHealthDroprateMultiplier - this is the minimum health required for an entity to have for it to drop multiple coins. By default it is 20 ( each number is half a heart, so 20 = 10 hearts).
Here is the math:
If the mob health is greater than minimumHealthDroprateMultiplier:
Coins dropped = minimumHealthDroprateMultiplier / 2
Couns dropped will then get rounded to the lowest multiple of 10.
If the mob health is less than minimumHealthDropRateMultiplier:
One coin will be dropped.
Coin drop rarities - These can be affected by the entity health. By default this is disabled.
How it works:
The mob health is checked with whatever config options you set.
Depending on the healthBoost value, it will decide on the weights for the coin drop rates:
- Copper - no change
- Silver - Copper rate is decreased, silver is increased
- Gold - Copper and silver rate is decreased, gold is increased
- Platinum - All rates are decreased, apart from platinum which is increased.
And here is the math:
The mob health is compared to the healthBoost value, this determines what kind of coin it is more likely to drop.
(Mob health / 10), this value is then rounded down to the nearest multiple of 10.
Examples (using the default configuration):
A mob with 32 health would increase iron drop rate by 3 and decrease copper by 3.
A mob with 78 health would increase gold drop rate by 7 and decrease lower ones by 7.
A mob with 125 health would increase diamond drop rate by 12 and decrease lower ones by 12.
Please note that the coin drop rarity feature is an experimental feature and will need to be tested if you change the values. The default numbers are experimental.
Inventory Coin Slots (Wallet)
As of version 12, there is a wallet accessible through almost any gui/inventory.
- Please note, it is by design that the coin slots are not visible in creative.
- Left click to withdraw 32, shift + left click to withdraw 64, right click to withdraw 1
- Deposit by placing the coins in to the slots with mouse.
- Limit of 999 per slot - No auto conversion (yet...)
- Auto pickup now goes straight to slots. This can be disabled in config.
- Position of GUI is remembered in config (across worlds).
Please feel free to join my discord sever should you need any support!