Mod Duckery by TrueRealCursed_Warrior
- 582045
- 2.07 MB
- 1.16.5
- November 21, 2021
- December 27, 2022
- AutomationFarmingFoodGeneticsMobs
Name | Duckery | Author | TrueRealCursed_Warrior | Description | Adds Duck to the game That Produce Resources, These Ducks can be cloned to create Armies of Resources |
Information | Downloads: 582045 Version: 1.16.5 Size: 2.07 MB Updated at: December 27, 2022 Created at: November 21, 2021 | Tags | Automation Farming Food Genetics Mobs |
Adds about 100 New Resourceful Ducks to Minecraft
These Ducks are mostly made from combining other ducks
For Example to get the Obsidian Duck you would combine Water and Lava Ducks
This Mod is not like others and has no Breeding or Stat Carrying
To get started with Ducks you will need to explore and find them.
Once found, you need to capture them using Duck Souls which turn the chickens into Items
Duck Souls are crafted with Duck Eggs which are produced by Normal Ducks
Now you can Craft a Duck Stick to see all the stats of the Ducks
Right-Click with Stick to see quick Stats and Shift-Click to see Detailed Stats
To start Creating your Duck Army and Getting better Ducks you will need to craft Cloning Mirrors
There are 3 Tiers of Cloning Mirrors "Cheap" "Normal" and "Advanced"
You will need the Cheap one to Clone Tier 0 and 1 Ducks.
Each Duck has a tier from Tier 0 to Tier 5
To Clone Tier 0 and 1 Need Cheap Cloning Mirror,
Tier 2 and 3 Need Normal Cloning Mirror and Tier 4 and 5 Need Advanced Cloning Mirror
Each Duck has Stats such as Amount, Speed, Clones and Feed
All of the Duck Stats can be seen through using the Duck Stick
Amount - Amount of Resources a Duck drops every time
Speed - The Frequency of how many times Ducks drop Resources
Clones - Amount of Clones a Duck can make, Once Full Ducks cant clone.
Feed - How Much Feed has been given to the Duck
There are Tiers to Duck Feed and Each Tier Allows you to give More Duck Feed
Cheap Duck Feed - Gives a Duck Amount +1 and Speed+1 (Capped at 5 Feeds)
Duck Feed - Gives a Duck Amount +1 and Speed+1 (Capped at 10 Feeds)
Duck Clone Feed - Gives the Duck +1 Clone (Capped at 10 Clones)
Click on the picture above, select plan(recommended at least 4GB), use my code Cursed to get 25% off your first month and enjoy playing with your friends!
Join My Discord to chat and enjoy!