Mod Dumb Library by wyn_price
- 548.32 KB
- 1.12.2
- July 21, 2018
- May 1, 2020
- API and Library
Mod Information
Name | Dumb Library | Author | wyn_price | Description | A small lightweight library |
Information | Downloads: Version: 1.12.2 Size: 548.32 KB Updated at: May 1, 2020 Created at: July 21, 2018 | Tags | API and Library |
A small lightweight library used by all of DumbCode's mods.
What it contains so far:
- A fully fleshed out animation system that handles different poses, all in .tbl format. Also supports the .dca format.Documentation
- A custom item model that allows you have variants that show different models.
- Json Utilities that make it easy to load files from directories and register them using forge.
- Tabula Utilities to help with all your tabula model needs.
- Much more coming soon
How to add:
in your build.gradle, add the following:
plugins {
id "com.wynprice.cursemaven" version "2.1.1"
dependencies {
deobfCompile "curse.maven:dumb-library:2940647"