Mod Dynamic Surroundings Resurrected by theNyfaria
- 14.16 MB
- 1.19.2
- June 3, 2022
- September 1, 2022
- Adventure and RPGCosmetic
Name | Dynamic Surroundings Resurrected | Author | theNyfaria | Description | A Fork and Resurrection of Dynamic Surroundings for Forge 1.18.2+ |
Information | Downloads: Version: 1.19.2 Size: 14.16 MB Updated at: September 1, 2022 Created at: June 3, 2022 | Tags | Adventure and RPG Cosmetic |
Dynamic Surroundings alters the player’s visual and audible experience in Minecraft and does not alter game mechanics. The player has a high degree of control over their experience, and modpack authors can customize biome and block effects based on their needs.
This is a 100% clientside mod. It should not be installed on the server.
This is a Fork and Resurrection of Dynamic Surroundings for Forge 1.18.2+
Original Mod here: Dynamic Surroundings
Forge 1.18.2 Info
- To get configuration menus under the Mods menu, install Cloth Config API (Forge). This is a soft dependency, meaning if the API is not installed, Dynamic Surroundings will still work, but you will not get the config menus.
Fabric Info
Fabric versions are maintained separately and can be found at Dynamic Surroundings: Fabric Edition.
Forge 1.16.5 & Lower Info
Builds for Forge 1.16.5 and lower can be found on the original page at Dynamic Surroundings.
Dynamic Surroundings Resurrected is licensed as GPL-3.0, being a derived work from OreCruncher's Dynamic Surroundings for Forge 1.16.5.
- OreCruncher for original Forge 1.16.5 version of Dy
- Better Rain mod by Wirsbo
- Aurora Rubealis by MrRube
- Presence Footsteps by Hurricaaane
- SoundPhysics by SonicEther
- Complete list of attributions for sounds, textures, and shaders can be found in CREDITS