Mod Dynamic Trees - The Twilight Forest by supermassimo0310

  • Dynamic Trees - The Twilight Forest by supermassimo0310

    Compatibility Mod between Dynamic trees and Twilight Forest
    • 451.57 KB
    • 1.12.2
    • June 26, 2020
    • April 3, 2021
    • Addons
    Dynamic Trees - The Twilight Forest
Mod Information
NameDynamic Trees - The Twilight ForestAuthorsupermassimo0310DescriptionCompatibility Mod between Dynamic trees and Twilight Forest
Version: 1.12.2
Size: 451.57 KB
Updated at: April 3, 2021
Created at: June 26, 2020

  Dynamic Trees | The Twilight Forest



Dynamic Trees manages to improve almost every aspect of vanilla trees, and thanks to addons such as DynamicTrees-BOP you can enjoy its upgrades in any modpack that includes Biomes o' Plenty

However... what if you wanted to use.. every mod?

 Yes you heard me right, there is a multitude of mods that add their own trees, of which almost none of them have Dynamic Trees compatibility causing jarring contrast throughout the world.

My objective with these mods, is to cover every mod under the sun that has anything with minimum resemblance of a tree, and make it dynamic!

This specific module allows for compatibility with Twilight Forest!

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Currently Included Trees:

(Twilight Forest Trees)
     • Sickly Twilight Oak
     • Robust Twilight Oak (Not the big ones, those are too big to be dynamic!)
     • Canopy Tree
     • Mangrove Tree
     • Rainbow Oak Tree
     • Darkwood Tree

(Magic Trees)
     • Tree of Time
     • Tree of Transformation
     • Sorting Tree
     • Miner's Tree

Other Features:

     • Dynamic underground roots! they grow inside dirt and can be dug up or covered back.




World Gen: ✔️

Dynamic trees will generate in the twilight biomes!

The whole dimension should have dynamic trees, except in some structures like the maze (the maze itself spawns with the trees so its hard to remove them)

Other Dynamic Trees Addons:



- Dynamic Trees for Minecraft 1.12.2
- The Twilight Forest for Minecraft 1.12.2

Mod Compatibility Requests:
To request a new mod for compatibility please do it here!!

Any suggestions done in the curseforge comment section will NOT be taken into account (sorry!)

Check the progress of features here:

Mod Packs:

- You can use this in any mod pack you'd like! No need to ask.

To add comments or report issues, join the discord server