Mod EMC Baubles by JPAN_v2

  • EMC Baubles by JPAN_v2

    Adds some useful trinkets to ProjectE
    • 312.98 KB
    • 1.19.2
    • August 2, 2020
    • August 14, 2023
    • Addons
      Armor, Tools, and Weapons
    EMC Baubles
Mod Information
NameEMC BaublesAuthorJPAN_v2DescriptionAdds some useful trinkets to ProjectE
Version: 1.19.2
Size: 312.98 KB
Updated at: August 14, 2023
Created at: August 2, 2020
Armor, Tools, and Weapons

This mod adds new items to ProjectE, mainly Equippable items (through Curios API) that allow you to gain EMC and Knowledge, as well as spend it more easily.



Collector Necklace Mk3


Collector Necklaces

These necklaces generate EMC direcly to your player's balance, as long as they are equipped in a Curios Necklace slot, or in a Dark Matter Pedestal. They come in multiple tiers, with the first one being made from a Collector MK1 surrounded by 8 string, and the next tiers being the respective tier matter and the previous tier necklace.


Power Flower Charm Mk 5

Power Flower Charms

These charms, when either equipped in a Curios Pin Slot or in a Dark Matter Pedestal, Generate much more EMC than their Necklace Counterpart, but are much more expensive to make. They use the Compressed Matter Blocks of that tier, Gold ingots and the previous tier charm to be made. Just place the gold ingots in the top-left and bottom right corners of the grid, the Compressed Matter Blocks in the top and bottom middle slots and the charm in the central slot of the crafting table. For the MK1 charm, you will need a Energy Condenser in the center instead.


Compressed Clay Matter Block

Matters, Matter Blocks and Compressed Matter Blocks

As Project EX has not been updated to 1.15 yet, this mod adds its matters in order to allow the player to progress through the necklace and charm tiers. This mod also adds blocks for each matter, crafted from 4 matters in a square,  and Compressed Matter Blocks crafted with 9 of the matter's block.

The tiers are:

MK1 - Clay Matter

MK2 - Dark Matter (ProjectE)

MK3 - Red Matter (ProjectE)

MK4 - Magenta Matter

MK5 - Pink Matter

MK6 - Purple Matter

MK7 - Violet Matter

MK8 - Blue Matter

MK9 - Cyan Matter

MK10- Green Matter

MK11- Lime Matter

MK12- Yellow Matter

MK13 - Orange Matter

MK14 - White Matter

MK15 - Fading Matter


EMC BeltEMC Converting Belt

A belt that, when equipped in a Curios Belt Slot, transforms picked up items direcly into EMC. Very useful when excavating large ares, as the dirt and stone get converted into their Sell value instead of taking lots of inventory slots.


This belt has config options to blacklist items (either skip by default or skip always), or if Tools should be picked up to the inventory or if items that can be stacked that are present in the inventory should first be filled before being consumed.


Crafted with two pieces of leather in each side and a Red Matter in the middle.


Item Auto Refiller BraceletItem Auto Refiller Bracelet

A Bracelet that, when equipped in a Curios Bracelet Slot, refills Item Stacks totaly spend if you have learned them and have enough EMC. It also auto-replaces broken tools if they disappear from the inventory when broken.


Crafted with a Transmutation Table in the top middle slot and Gold Ingots in the Left, right and bottom middle slots.


EMC-Powered Build WandEMC-Powered Build Wand

(for version 1.18 or earlier)

A wand that can Fill, Replace and Erase blocks when the correct mode is selected. To use it, right click a block to set the starting position, then right click a second, identical block in order to fill or replace the blocks in a rectangle between the start block and the end block with the block that was present in the start and in the end. Blocks destroyed by the process get converted to EMC, so it is even possible to gain EMC from using this wand. This wand will not teach you those blocks, though.


It also has a mode for a block Picker, that teaches you that block and creates one for you on your other hand, as long as the block has an EMC value, you have enough EMC for one of it and you have a free hand.


The Config has options for blacklisting certain blocks from being replaced or copied, as well as allowing you to copy only the start or end block, and select them even if they are different.


It is Crafted with a Transmutation tablet on the Bottom-left corner, Three Red Matter Blocks in the middle, center-left and middle-top slots, and a Compressed Red Matter Block in the Top-right corner.


(for Version 1.19)

The wand code was remade from scratch in the latest version, providing many new features: These are copied from the changelog:


- Build wand now works completely differently. Use the Charge Button to open a GUI to use the wand to its full capacity!

- Wand can now pick and learn a block, erase, fill, replace, fill and replace or apply an item to the designated area;

- Areas can be wireframe only or full/filled with blocks, in either square/rectangle/cube, Sphere, Triangle (requires a third point to work) or just a line from one point to another:

- Except for triangles, all shapes can be radius-based or diameter-based, with the diameter based being the default setting. Press the button below the shapes to swap it.

- Build wand pick block no longer places a block in your off and, and instead places it in a slot in the gui (the Chosen slot) You can get the block from there by picking it up with an empty mouse cursor; The block in that slot will be the one used for replacing, fill or applying. You can place any item with EMC on that slot, without consuming the items.

- Build wand selected corner positions now show as items (that you cannot pick or change), and the coordinates of those picked positions. you can change them by clicking on the up and down arrows next to the X,Y and Z positions.

NOTE: Bedrock is deletable with the erase feature if you so wish, even though it's blacklisted by default. You will need to change in the configs to prevent deleting bedrock by accident!

- The apply item function, applies any item with EMC to the top of each selected block, just as if right clicking with it, allowing you to, for instance, hoe a large area into farmland, apply mass torches to the walls and floors, bonemeal all your crops or use a shovel to create dirt paths.