Mod EMIffect (Status Effects EMI Plugin) by fzzyhmstrs
- 17.94 KB
- 1.20.1
- December 13, 2022
- September 2, 2023
- API and LibraryMap and InformationUtility & QoL
Mod Information
Name | EMIffect (Status Effects EMI Plugin) | Author | fzzyhmstrs | Description | EMI addon that appends status effects in EMI and provides information about each status effect. |
Information | Downloads: Version: 1.20.1 Size: 17.94 KB Updated at: September 2, 2023 Created at: December 13, 2022 | Tags | API and Library Map and Information Utility & QoL |
NOTE: I am maintaining this Curseforge project for Flamarine, with their permission.
EMIffect is an EMI addon that adds status effects as searchable "phantom items" in EMI's sidebar, and provides detailed information about each status effect.
Inspired by Just Enough Effect Descriptions.
Modders can add descriptions for their own status effects via language files. The format follows JEED: <code>effect.[mod_id].[effect_name].description</code>.