Mod Eating Animation [Forge] by matyrobbrt

  • Eating Animation [Forge] by matyrobbrt

    A Forge port of the Eating Animation mod
    • 680517
    • 286.12 KB
    • 1.20.1
    • January 20, 2022
    • June 8, 2023
    • Cosmetic
    Eating Animation [Forge]
Mod Information
NameEating Animation [Forge]AuthormatyrobbrtDescriptionA Forge port of the Eating Animation mod
InformationDownloads: 680517
Version: 1.20.1
Size: 286.12 KB
Updated at: June 8, 2023
Created at: January 20, 2022
1.19.4 versions of the mod and later REQUIRE GroovyModLoader

This is a Forge port of the Eating Animations mod, providing all of its features along with the option of rendering the eating animation in the inventory as well! (the option in configurable, in the eatinganimation-client.toml config)

Before asking for support, make sure the "Mod Resources" resource pack is above the vanilla one

The model overrides for the eating progress are global, and such, you can add eating animations to any item from any mod. Take a look at the models we provide for reference.

This mod also has compatibility with the following mods: additionaladditions, duckling, farmersdelight, snowpig. To enable mod compatibility, enable the "EatingAnimations Compat" resource pack!

All of the assets included in this mod are the original Fabric ones, which are licensed under the MIT License.

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