Mod Eidolon's Hexblades by Alexth99

  • Eidolon's Hexblades by Alexth99

    Eidolon addon that adds magic weapons, magic gadgets and some compats with other mods.
    • 700.44 KB
    • 1.16.5
    • September 17, 2021
    • February 11, 2022
    • Addons
      Adventure and RPG
      Armor, Tools, and Weapons
    Eidolon's Hexblades
Mod Information
NameEidolon's HexbladesAuthorAlexth99DescriptionEidolon addon that adds magic weapons, magic gadgets and some compats with other mods.
Version: 1.16.5
Size: 700.44 KB
Updated at: February 11, 2022
Created at: September 17, 2021
Adventure and RPG
Armor, Tools, and Weapons



Hexblades is an add-on to Elucent's Eidolon that focus on enhancing the combat side with few others QoL. 


Eidolon 1.16 won't update anymore and a lot of planned features will jump directly to 1.18 a future version, so 1.16.5 Hexblades is ending with the 0.0.9 releases a bit raw. There will be a rework of the basics and better progression with the new mechanics that are coming in Eidolon.



That said, let's talk about the mod content, you will find a new tab in the Ars Ecclesia.


You will need to unlock the Soul Sign through Eidolon progression first, then keep praying with the new chant until the Deity will gift you the core of your new magic weapon.


The Hexblades


Heavily inspired by the DnD class, the hexblades are magic weapons related to a deity or sentient that are used by warlocks. As such, these weapons will receive a damage boost while in Awakened state based on the devotion you have proven to the Deity of the Blade, As in base Eidolon, you will have a chant like for the Dark Lord but the two scores are separated (but not the cooldown), plus another random event you may see using them.


The Awakened state can be triggered by right-clicking or pressing the keybind (default H) while full-durability and will last some seconds. The durability bar will show how much time you've got left and when it goes near to 0 it will deactivate, so no risk of breaking them. 

While awakened, the weapons will deal more damage and have additional effects based on their element.

Each Hexblade can evolve, but you will have to defeat a powerful enemy to get your hands on that power. (currently only Fire Elemental, more will come)

Misc Additions and other mods compatibilities


Say stop to the boring hand-refilling of cauldrons&co!

The Urn of Endless Waters will check and refill nearby Crucibles, Cauldrons and Botania's Petal Apotecary so you don't have to worry about having infinite water sources anymore, can also refill your empty buckets.Won't interact with pipes and similar tech stuff.


Do you always forget a flint and steel to start the ritual?


The Flame chant will light up campfires and braziers around you on demand, just use the Holy sign three times (Spoiler if you never got it in Eidolon):

obtained from throwing the Ars Ecclesia to villager clerics, like you do with witches.



Do you miss the old "Nitor under the Crucible" of Thaumcraft, or just want more colors of fire?

This add-on supports: the Ether (and its braziers) from Malum, the Soulfire from DruidCraft and the Spiritfire from Occultism as a heat source for the crucible. 

The ether braziers can also be used as light ornaments for the altar.

Campfires from other mods should also work now (tested on BYG and Endergetic Expansion).

Added in 0.0.9+ : Using hexblades:crucible_heat_source tag, you can tweak which blocks can make the water boil.




Q.These weapons would be cool to use with Epic Fight mod, don't you think?

A. I made a preset to add to the EFm config, the values might need to be balanced but it will enable weapon category animations. You can find it here. Note that custom armor models have heavy rendering problems with EF.


Q. How can i get another unstable core?

A. It now spawns in the boss room of temples, hold by a necrotic focus (0.0.8). For 0.0.7 and lesser, use the hex infusion chant on a diamond (30 devotion points required to unlock).


Q. What is the roadmap of this mod, leaving aside the Eidolon future content?

A. 1.16.5 ends with the 0.0.9 version. As Eidolon development stopped, this addon won't be developed as well. I might remake both mods into one in the distant future.


Q. Can i tweak or disable the recipes?

A. Just like current Eidolon, the special craftings can't be edited with datapacks. In versions, there is a config to disable all the crucible and ritual craftings.You may use one of the addons that adds that functionality to tweak Hexblades recipes as well.


Q. Are the weapon base/extra damage or the devotion scaling adjustable in the config? 

A. The extra damage and most of the bonus of the awakened form are adjustable, to balance them as you wish. Base damage can be tweaked from 0.0.9 onward.


Q. Can i use it on my modpack?

A. As the licence imply, as long as it's on curse (or private) and is not re-hosting or jar redistribution.


Regarding Spotlights, feel free to share in the comments. I may add them here in the main page.



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