Mod Elenai Dodge by ElenaiDev
- 7607520
- 222.73 KB
- 1.12.2
- April 4, 2020
- December 20, 2021
- Adventure and RPGArmor, Tools, and WeaponsMagicPlayer Transport
Name | Elenai Dodge | Author | ElenaiDev | Description | The best balanced dodge mechanic in Minecraft! |
Information | Downloads: 7607520 Version: 1.12.2 Size: 222.73 KB Updated at: December 20, 2021 Created at: April 4, 2020 | Tags | Adventure and RPG Armor, Tools, and Weapons Magic Player Transport |
Elenai Dodge is a well balanced and customizable dodge mod for minecraft! Check out the sequel here!
Includes support for 1.16.X, 1.15.2, 1.14.4 and 1.12.2!
📚 Features
💨Dodge at the push of a button in all four directions! (Left-Alt+WASD by default)
🕑A Cooldown Bar appears over your experience bar after dodging, making it a strategic move!
✍An In-Depth Config Menu, featuring options for adjusting dodge power, cooldown length, and modpack support features!
🤸♂️[1.12.2] Wall Jumping can be enabled in the config, allowing you to bounce off walls!
🧱[1.12.2] Ledge Grabbing can be enabled in the config, allowing you to boost up two block high ledges!
👌 Many Balanced features to prevent exploitability and seamlessly integrate into Minecraft!
🎮 Controls
Choose between three movement options in the Mod Config!
You can also adjust the Dodge Key button from its default value of Left-Alt in Minecraft's controls menu!
Featured by AsianHalfSquat!
Feel free to include Elenai Dodge in modpacks without asking my permission, just credit me in your mod page. I'd appreciate it if you left a comment letting me know so I can come check it out! If you want to share a download link to the mod, please use the CurseForge link so it counts towards the download count.
Note for pack creators: Please update my mod to the latest version if you want it to work well with servers.
Commands for Modpack Developers and Map Makers
Game Stages
To lock the dodge ability behind a gamestage, please go to the Modpack's section in Elenai Dodge and enable 'Requires Gamestage or Potion Effect' and 'Midair requires Gamestage'. Alternatively, use /elenaidodge disable <player> to make only that player require a gamestage or potion effect. You can now allow the player to dodge by using '/gamestage add <player> can_dodge', and then grant them the ability to do this in mid-air with '/gamestage add <player> can_dodge_airborne'. If you want the player to always be able to dodge, but only want to lock dodging in midair, then only enable 'Midair requires Gamestage'.
Potion Effect
To lock the dodge ability behind a potion effect, please go to the Modpack's section in Elenai Dodge and enable 'Requires Gamestage or Potion Effect'. Alternatively, use /elenaidodge disable <player> to make only that player require a gamestage or potion effect. You can now give players the effect using '/effect <player> can_dodge'. It is recommended you do this without particles showing.
Always prefix these commands with /elenaidodge!
enable <player>: enables the dodge ability for the inputted player.
disable <player>: disables the dodge ability for the inputted player. This can be OVERWRITTEN if the player has the potion effect or gamestage, which is very useful for pack creators custom armors etc.
enableairborne <player>: if the inputted player can dodge, they can now also dodge whilst airborne.
disableairborne <player>: disables the above ability. This can be overruled by a gamestage or the config
cooldown increase <ticks> <player>: increases the player's cooldown by the given ticks.
cooldown decrease <ticks> <player>: decreases the player's cooldown by the given ticks.
power increase <float> <player>: increases the player's power by the given float value (decimal).
power decrease <float> <player>: decreases the player's power by the given float value (decimal).
1.15.2 +
Game Stages
To lock the dodge ability behind a gamestage, please go to elenaidodge-common.toml and enable 'Requires Gamestage or Potion Effect' and 'Midair requires Gamestage'. Alternatively, use /elenaidodge disable <player> to make only that player require a gamestage or potion effect.
You can now allow the player to dodge by using '/gamestage add <player> can_dodge', and then grant them the ability to do this in mid-air with '/gamestage add <player> can_dodge_airborne'.
If you want the player to always be able to dodge, but only want to lock dodging in midair, then only enable 'Midair requires Gamestage'.
Potion Effect
To lock the dodge ability behind a potion effect, please go to the Modpack's section in Elenai Dodge and enable 'Requires Gamestage or Potion Effect'. Alternatively, use /elenaidodge disable <player> to make only that player require a gamestage or potion effect. You can now give players the effect using '/effect give <player> dodge_effect'. It is recommended you do this without particles showing.
Always prefix these commands with /elenaidodge!
enable <player>: enables the dodge ability for the inputted player.
disable <player>: disables the dodge ability for the inputted player. This can be OVERWRITTEN if the player has the potion effect or gamestage, which is very useful for pack creators custom armors etc.
enable_airborne <player>: if the inputted player can dodge, they can now also dodge whilst airborne.
disable_airborne <player>: disables the above ability. This can be overruled by a gamestage or the config
edit_cooldown <ticks> <player>: adjusts the player's cooldown by the given ticks. Use a negative value to decrease the value.
edit_power <float> <player>: adjusts the player's power by the given float value (decimal). Use a negative value to decrease the value.
Q. Can I/you upload this to another site?
A. No, sorry!
Q. I found your mod on another site, is it safe to download?
A. Maybe, but probably not. Please only download mods from curseforge.
Q. How do I edit the config? It's greyed out!
A. Forge hasn't implemented in game config editing for 1.14 and 1.15 fully yet, please navigate to .minecraft/config and edit the elenaidodge.toml configs there. You won't get this issue with the 1.12.2 version
Q. How do I pronounce Elenai?
A. el - en - eye
Q. Can you add <insert request here> to make it more like DOOM Eternal?
A. I don't own the game but if you've got a spare steam key then sure! ;)
Q. How do I enable double tap?
A. Simply change doubleTapMode to 1 or 2 in the Client config! For more details on the two settings, please read the description in the config!
Also check out Wall-Jump! by genandnic and liquidwarpmc!