Mod Ellemes' Container Library by MessyEllie

  • Ellemes' Container Library by MessyEllie

    Provides an easy way to display simple inventories
    • 2867526
    • 98.60 KB
    • 1.19.2
    • September 23, 2021
    • September 15, 2022
    • API and Library
    Ellemes' Container Library
Mod Information
NameEllemes' Container LibraryAuthorMessyEllieDescriptionProvides an easy way to display simple inventories
InformationDownloads: 2867526
Version: 1.19.2
Size: 98.60 KB
Updated at: September 15, 2022
Created at: September 23, 2021
API and Library

Note: I plan on merging this project back into expanded storage, if you are a mod developer please don't rely on it.


Ellemes' Container Library

Previously a part of Expanded Storage, this library mod provides an easy way for modders to display simple inventories to the user.


For users this library provides 3 screen options to view inventories with: paginated, scrollable and single page screen.

See the images tab for images of the screen options.

The scrollable and paginated screen will always scale to fit the display, the single page screen however may not fit on some smaller screens and will show a red exclamation mark in the select screen if this is the case.

The option highlighted in gold in the select screen is the option you already have picked.

Once an screen option has been picked it can be changed by pressing shift + g whilst an inventory is open or through the mods config menu available through forge and fabric's mod menu.

In addition to the screen types there are currently two config options not exposed in-game, these are restrictive_scrolling and prefer_smaller_screens.

Restrictive scrolling makes it so you have to hover over the scroll bar track in the scrollable screen to be able to scroll the slots up and down.

Prefer smaller screens will prefer more pages with less empty space rather than less pages with more empty space.

Imagine of different screen options.


The project has an API for opening inventories and adding custom screen types. There are also some helpers for combining multiple inventories or sided inventories.

If you need any help feel free to reference the builtin screen types, test mod available on GitHub, or contact me either here, Discord ( I'm in QuiltMC and AoF guilds ), or GitHub.