Mod Engineer's Decor by wilechaote
- 23633570
- 1.55 MB
- 1.19.2
- February 10, 2019
- July 29, 2023
- CosmeticEnergy, Fluid, and Item TransportProcessingTechnology
Mod Information
Name | Engineer's Decor | Author | wilechaote | Description | Adds cosmetic blocks for the engineer's factory, workshop, and home. |
Information | Downloads: 23633570 Version: 1.19.2 Size: 1.55 MB Updated at: July 29, 2023 Created at: February 10, 2019 | Tags | Cosmetic Energy, Fluid, and Item Transport Processing Technology |
The mod has its focus on decorative blocks and devices helping you to build nice looking manufacturing contraptions.
Current feature set:
- Treated wood crafting table: 3x3 crafting table with IE style GUI and a model fitting better in the engineer's workshop. Keeps its inventory, has eight additional storage slots on the left side of the crafting grid. Crafting history for fast refabrication of previous recipes. Provides a recipe collision resolver (selection button for ambiguous recipes). Quick-move buttons (opt-in) to from/to storage or player inventory. Smart shift-click placement (balanced placing of items in the crafting grid). Ctrl-Shift-click places all same stacks. Scroll with the mouse over the crafting output slot to increase or decrease the stack sizes (shift and/or ctrl higher step size). Shows the placed items on the top of the table.
- Labeled Crate: A storage crate with 9x6 slots and a built-in item frame. As known from IE Crates it keeps its inventory when broken.
- Small laboratory furnace: Solid fuel consuming, updraught. Slightly hotter and better isolated than a cobblestone furnace, therefore slightly more efficient. Has internal hopper fifos for input, output, and fuel (two stacks each). Two auxiliary slots (storage tray). Keeps inventory when relocated. Crafted with one cobblestone furnace, one hopper, and seven metal plates. Increased smelting speed when a IE external heater is placed in a aux slot.
- Small electrical furnace: Pass-through electrical furnace. Can pull items out input side inventories, inserts items into inventories at the output side. Internal fifo slots. Automatically bypasses items that cannot be cooked or smelted. Electrical RF/FE power can be applied on all sides. Items can be inserted or drawn from all sides (e.g. with filtered hopper or whatever). Fits ideally into a conveyor belt line/lane. Consumption and efficiency tunable via config.
- Rebar (steel) reinforced concrete: Expensive but creeper-proof. Crafted 3x3 from four concrete blocks and five steel rods. Texture design oriented at the IE concrete, slightly darker, eight (position dependent) random texture variations with rust traces. Also as stairs with the usual stairs recipe, and as tile, crafted 2x2 with four rebar concrete blocks.
- Concrete wall and rebar concrete wall: Solid barrier design walls (not like vanilla walls). Crafted 3x3 with six blocks (the usual wall-recipe).
- Gas Concrete: Decorative concrete with high production yield and low hardness. Random texture variations. Also as *stairs*, *wall*, *slab*, and *slab slice*, reverse recipes available.
- Clinker bricks: Slightly darker and more colorful version of the vanilla brick block. Eight position dependent texture variations are implemented to make the wall look more "alive". Crafted 3x3 with a brick block in the centre and any combination of bricks and nether bricks around (actually, anything where the ore dictionary says it's a "brick ingot"). Higher explosion resistance than the vanilla brick wall. Also available as stairs, and wall, crafted as usual. There is a reverse recipe to get three clinker brick blocks back from four stairs.
- Slag bricks: Gray-brownish brick, also eight texture variations. Crafted 3x3 from slag in the centre and any kind of bricks ("brick ingot") around. Has a higher explosion resistance than the vanilla brick wall. Also available stairs and wall, also with reverse recipe.
- Steel Railings, Catwalks, Catwalk-Stairs: Railings can be placed on every block with a solid side and easily be removed by clicking again with a Railing in your hand. There are two craftable versions of Catwalks, top-aligned ("raised") and bottom-aligned (it depends on the situation which one is better). Railings can also be placed on bottom-aligned Catwalks. Right-clicking on the top surface of a Catwalk while holding another Catwalk in your hand places that block horizontally in the direction you are looking (not on top; makes it easier to place raised walkways in your factory - without sneaking and trying to click the rather thin side). Catwalk Stairs have the same feature, except that they are placed one block up or down in front of you when clicking on the top surface while holding another stair in your hand.
- Treated wood ladder: Ladder with 3D model, climbing is faster than vanilla ladders when looking up/down while climbing/descending.
- Metal rung ladder: Industrial wall-fixed ladder with horizontal bent rods. Crafted 3x3 with five iron or steel rods in a "U" pattern. Also slight climbing speed boost.
- Staggered metal steps: Industrial wall-fixed sparse ladder with steps in a zip pattern. Crafted 3x3 with six iron or steel rods in a zip pattern. Also with speed boost.
- Panzer glass: Reinforced, dark gray tinted glass block. Explosion-proof, expensive. Faint structural lines are visible, multiple texture variations for seemless look. Crafted 3x3 with four metal rods, four glass blocks, and one diamond.
- Treated wood table: Four leg table made of treated wood. Crafted 3x3 with three treated wood slabs and four treated wood poles. Guess the pattern.
- Treated wood stool: Simple decorative stool. Crafted 3x3 with three treated wood slabs and one wood pole. You can sit on it, and so can zombies, skellies, and friends.
- Windows: Treated wood and steel framed variant, tripple glazed glass. Well isolating. Can also be placed as roof lights. They intentionally do not cross-connect like glass panes.
- Treated wood windowsill: Decorative block, not a shelf.
- Treated wood pole: Pole fragment that can be placed in all directions. It does intentionally not connect to posts, fences, etc - just a straight pole. Can be used e.g. for structural support or wire relay post, where the height of the IE wire posts does not match. Foot and head pieces available.
- Thin and thick steel support poles: Hollow steel pole fragments, can be placed in all directions. Also with head/food end components.
- Double-T steel support: Horizontal top-aligned support beam, placed in the direction you look. Auto connects to adjacent beams if facing towards them. Auto connects to steel poles underneath. Crafted 3x3 from thin steel poles in a T-shape (output: 6 beams).
- Inset spot light: Small metal framed glowstone based light source for ceiling, wall, or floor. Light level like a torch. Thin, hence not blocking the way. Allows illuminating places where electrical light installations are problematic.
- Fluid pipe valves: IE fluid pipe styled straight valves conducting fluids only in one direction. There is one check valve without redstone control, one "digital" (on-off) redstone controlled valve, and one analog redstone controlled valve (more power, higher flow rate). The basic check valve is crafted from 3x3 from three fluid pipes, the redstone controlled valves based on the check valve.
- Passive fluid accumulator: Block with one output and five input sides, that draws fluids out of adjacent tanks when a pump drains fluid from the output port. Implicit round-robin balanced drain from adjacent blocks. Random initial fluid drip-in to allow pumps to detect that fluids can be drained. The accumulator has a vacuum suction delay.
- Small waste incinerator: Delayed, FiFo buffered ("forgiving") item trash. Has sixteen FiFo slots that are shifted when new items are inserted from any side. If no slot is free, then the oldest stack will be disposed. Works without electrical RF power, but is faster when power is applied. The GUI allows to save items that were accidentally shifted into the block.
- Factory dropper: Dropper with GUI configurable drop force, direction, stack size, trigger cool-down delay, and trigger logic. Three trigger slots ("filter slots") can be used as internal trigger. They emit an internal signal if their item is found in in the dropper inventory (also at least the stack size of a trigger slot). Internal triggers can be combined with the external redstone signal trigger using logical AND or OR gates. If internal triggers match, the dropper will spit out exactly the stacks in these slots. That allows to drop e.g. always nine lapis, redstone, nuggets, etc on a conveyor to feed a compression metal press - instantly and automatically after nine of these items have been inserted into the dropper.
- Factory hopper: Hopper with configurable stack transfer size (1 to 32), transfer delay, and collection range (default like hopper, area max 9x9). Can also be placed upwards. Has 24 slots, keeps its inventory when being broken and relocated. Tries to insert smartly, so that existing stacks in the target inventory are filled up first before empty slots are used. The redstone signal polarity can be inverted to enable the hopper instead of blocking it, and the reaction to redstone signal can be selected between "continuous" (like the vanilla hopper) or "pulsed" (means "edge detection", insertion like a dispenser or dropper). Default behaviour when placing is vanilla hopper behaviour. Note that, when collecting items, it waits until the items are allowed to be picked up and on the ground. This prevents that the hopper snatches blocks that you break when building before you can pick them up yourself.
- Factory Block Placer: Places blocks or plants crops/saplings in front of it. Supports spike planting, means it can plant e.g. from underneath the soil block. Automatically spits out items that it cannot plant or place. Can be redstone controlled similar to the Factory Hopper (invertible, pulse/continuous mode).
- Small Block Breaker: Breaks blocks in front of it. Can be disabled by applying a redstone signal. The time needed to destroy a block depends on the hardness of that block. Provide RF/FE power to speed up the breaking process (massively).
- Small Solar Panel: Produces a small amount of RF power, comparable to a IE thermal peltier generator over one day cycle. No power at night, reduced power when raining. The power curve during day time is non-linear. Useful for electrical lighting of remote places.
- Small Tree Cutter: A slab sized device that chops a tree in front of it. Needs by default about one minute, with RF power less than 10 seconds. Useful to build a contraptive automated tree farm. Also chops trees of the *Dynamic Trees* mod.
- Small Mineral Smelter: Device that slowly converts most stones or sands to magma blocks and finally to lava. Needs a lot of power. When the lava is cooled down in the smelter by removing the RF power, obsidian is generated.
- Fluid Collection Funnel: Collects fluids above it. Has an internal tank with three buckets capacity. Traces flowing fluids to nearby source blocks. The fluid can be obtained with fluid transfer systems or a bucket. Fills only tanks below (gravity). Compatible with vanilla infinite-water-source creation.
- Small Milking Machine: Cows don't dislike being groomed and therefore occasionally stroll to this device, which in turn draws a bucket of milk. The milk is stored in an internal tank and can be retrieved directly with a bucket. For automating, the machine can interact with inventories at the back and below it. It preferrs pulling empty vessels from the back and putting the filled containers below, but if there is only one inventory, then it puts the filled containers back into that inventory. Also supports fluid transfer to adjacent tanks (if milk exists as fluid in the game), and is also compatible with the "Bottled Milk" mod (fills vanilla empty bottles).
- Industrial signs: "Danger", "electrical hazard", etc.
- More to come slowly but steadily.
Mod pack integration, forking, back ports, bug reports, testing
- Packs: If your mod pack is open source as well and has no installer, you don't need to ask and simply integrate this mod.
- Bug reports: Yes, please let me know. Drop a mail or better open an issue for the repository.
- Pull requests: Happily accepted. Please make sure that use the develop branch for pull requests. The master branch is for release versions only. I might merge the pull request locally if I'm ahead of the github repository, we will communicate this in the pull request thread then.
- The mod config has an "include testing features" option. Enabling this causes blocks under development to be registered as well.
- Maintenance: The 1.12.2 mod version is now in maintenance state, means new features will seldom be implemented, but bugs will still be fixed if they are not small glitches.
Community references
Mods covering similar features, or may fit well together with IE and the decorations of this mod:
- Immersive Engineering: Without IE, my little mod here does not make much sense ;). It works without IE, but some blocks are not craftable - and where's the point?
- Engineer's doors has brilliant doors, trapdoors, and fence doors, all made of the IE materials.
- Dirty Bricks applies position dependent variations to the vanilla bricks, similar to the clinkers and slag bricks in this mod.
- Chisel needless to say, Chisel has a variety of factory blocks.
- Immersive Petroleum has asphalt concrete that fits brilliantly for floors.
- Immersive Posts helps you quickly building IE style wire posts with flexible height and branching.
Before you ask: The 1.12.2 version is here: ;-).
Current mod list by me: Engineer's Decor, Gauges and Switches, Engineer's Tools, Anthill Inside, Redstone Pen, WilE's Collection