Mod Engineers Workshop Reborn by modmuss50

  • Engineers Workshop Reborn by modmuss50

    Adds an engineering table to help with your crafting needs.
    • 8082610
    • 274.60 KB
    • 1.12.2
    • November 21, 2017
    • November 26, 2018
    • Storage
    Engineers Workshop Reborn
Mod Information
NameEngineers Workshop RebornAuthormodmuss50DescriptionAdds an engineering table to help with your crafting needs.
InformationDownloads: 8082610
Version: 1.12.2
Size: 274.60 KB
Updated at: November 26, 2018
Created at: November 21, 2017

Engineers Workshop Reborn




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About the mod:

The mod adds one block to the game. This block can be 4 of the following chest, crafting table or a furnace. The blocks can then be used all at once from one gui.



  •  A chest can be added to the table to provide storage
  •  A crafting table can be added to add a crafting grid
  •  A furnace can be added to smelt items
    • Fuel can be added into the slot at the bottom under the power bar
  • The table a wide range of upgrades that can be used to add extra features to the table.
  • To add the upgrades to the table click on the upgrade button in the table's GUI.

This mod requires reborn core to be installed to function.


If you have any questions about the mod feel free to ask on our discord server.