Mod Enhanced Farming by Mrbysco

  • Enhanced Farming by Mrbysco

    Enhanced Farming is a revival of the old 1.6.2 mod "Better Farming" by iBlackShadow.
    • 1013.81 KB
    • 1.19.2
    • January 10, 2018
    • July 21, 2023
    • Farming
      World Gen
    Enhanced Farming
Mod Information
NameEnhanced FarmingAuthorMrbyscoDescriptionEnhanced Farming is a revival of the old 1.6.2 mod "Better Farming" by iBlackShadow.
Version: 1.19.2
Size: 1013.81 KB
Updated at: July 21, 2023
Created at: January 10, 2018
World Gen



Enhanced Farming is a revival of the old 1.6.2 mod "Better Farming" by iBlackShadow who hasn't been seen online after the end of 2014. I intend to implement the same content the original mod had and more additions in the future.


The mod adds the following:

  • Trees: Apple, Avocado, Banana, Cherry, Lemon, Mango, Olive, Orange, Pear. (The saplings aren't like your usual saplings. They grow just like crops before turning into a big tree)
  • Crops: aubergine, corn, cucumber, garlic, grape, lettuce, mint, nether_flower, onion, pineapple, tomato
  • A scarecrow that pushes mobs away from your crops.
  • Rakes which can be used to get seeds from raking grass blocks.
  • A decent amount of food you can craft.
  • Piston crafting. (Where you squish Olives into Olive oil) [For recipes please use JEI]


If you play on Fast graphics, you won't be able to see the difference between vanilla and the fruity leaves. This is a known issue and will hopefully be fixed in the future.


For more info check the wiki tab.




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