Mod Enhanced Mob Spawners by BR4NDER5

  • Enhanced Mob Spawners by BR4NDER5

    Adds more functionality to mob spawner block. Change range from 16 to 128 blocks and more!
    • 1488913
    • 89.31 KB
    • 1.19.4
    • May 14, 2019
    • August 26, 2023
    • Cosmetic
      World Gen
    Enhanced Mob Spawners
Mod Information
NameEnhanced Mob SpawnersAuthorBR4NDER5DescriptionAdds more functionality to mob spawner block. Change range from 16 to 128 blocks and more!
InformationDownloads: 1488913
Version: 1.19.4
Size: 89.31 KB
Updated at: August 26, 2023
Created at: May 14, 2019
World Gen

New in Forge 1.9.0 and Fabric 1.2.0 version:

+ Change default range of all spawners (through config)

+ Change spawner block hardness (through config)


Adds ability to Silk Touch spawner and retrieve Monster Egg from it + custom configuration.


+ Make Mob Spawners minable with silk touch

+ Right-click on a mob spawner and it will drop its monster egg corresponding to what type of entity inside.

+ Adds a 4% chance for all entities to drop its monster egg (can be changed in config)

+ Adds Spawner Block in Creative Tabs (decorations)

+ Modify Mob Spawner stats such as count, speed and range. Example: make spawner active for a maximun of 128 blocks! Vanilla is 16

+ Customize what you want inside mod configuation file

+ Toggle spawner ON/OFF with ingame config menu or Redstone

+ Option to turn on limited spawns, via config file! Control number of entities a spawner can spawn before it dies. (not supported in Forge 1.18)


Fabric and Forge configuration:

Config found at .minecraft/config/spawnermod.json.

true/false values are represented as 1 = true, 0 = false

drop rate is between 0 - 100 (whole numbers)



If you have an older version of the mod: config file is a spawnermod.toml file.


Goal of this mod is to add more functionality to the original minecraft spawner. This mod makes the player able to move mob spawners ability to fully control what type of entity inside by making it possible to retrieve the Monster Egg.


Feel free to use it any mod pack but please give credit :)


Check out my other mods:

- Well Fed - Craft stronger food: eat less often because you combine different foods to make one big

- Sulfur and Potassium - A vanilla friendly way to craft gunpowder

- Lamp Block - Just a redstone lamp which is always on. So you can make lamps without a ugly lever on it




Coffee Tip Jar - Best way of supporting me and my mods.

Thanks for playing with my mods and for the coffee!