Mod Enlightend by MuffinsQw

  • Enlightend by MuffinsQw

    Expands upon the End in a unique way with intricate biomes, mobs, & materials, AKA Enlightened End.
    • 6033289
    • 16.13 MB
    • 1.18.2
    • July 11, 2021
    • September 9, 2023
    • Armor, Tools, and Weapons
      Ores and Resources
      World Gen
Mod Information
NameEnlightendAuthorMuffinsQwDescriptionExpands upon the End in a unique way with intricate biomes, mobs, & materials, AKA Enlightened End.
InformationDownloads: 6033289
Version: 1.18.2
Size: 16.13 MB
Updated at: September 9, 2023
Created at: July 11, 2021
Armor, Tools, and Weapons
Ores and Resources
World Gen

Endlightened (AKA Enlightened End) is an end expansion mod for 1.18.2+ which stays true to the vanilla style while also aiming to improve the end in areas it is lacking features with intricate and detailed biomes, each containing blocks, mobs, and items that are all unique with most having special functionality, helping separate it from other end mods.


Requires GeckoLib

  • The Enderneath, a new radioactive biome that generates below the end biomes, stalkers inhabit this dreaded biome
  • The Congealed Forest, a new sticky alien-forest biome with lots of bouncy and gooey foliage, ringlings also inhabit this biome and are quite scared of players
  • The Ooze Seeps, a new toxic biome with oozing vents and a strange ground which has strange teleporting properties
  • The Exogas Belt, a far out end biome that consists of xenon and helium gas planets with nullstone asteroids orbiting them
  • Magnetite crystals with its own unique magnetism system which can pull mobs and items towards it
  • Bismuth Metal which oxidizes into different colours depending on its surrounding environment 
  • Expansions to pre-existing end biomes and features 

Lots of these features are also configurable!


"Will Enlightend be back-ported to X version?"

1.18.2 is the only version it will be backported to.

"Will Enlightend be ported to fabric?"


"Am I allowed to use Enlightend in my modpack?"

Of course! credit / a link to the mod would appreciated but is not necessary whatsoever.

"Where can I provide a translation / contribute to translations of the mod?"

You can translate the mod here

  • YouTube can be accessed here
  • Community Discord Server can be joined here -- (Join for sneak peaks and support!)
  • If you'd like to donate, my Ko-Fi can be accessed here
  • Use code "muffinsqw" for 25% off your first Minecraft server at Bisect Hosting 

  • Thanks to _humanoid for helping with the mod and Ringling rework suggestion
  • Thanks to Blvx for the old mod name
  • Made using MCreator