Mod Equivalent Storage by mallrat208

  • Equivalent Storage by mallrat208

    Bridging Refined Storage 1.6 and Project E 1.3.1B
    • 37.18 KB
    • 1.12.2
    • July 21, 2018
    • May 27, 2019
    • Addons
    Equivalent Storage
Mod Information
NameEquivalent StorageAuthormallrat208DescriptionBridging Refined Storage 1.6 and Project E 1.3.1B
Version: 1.12.2
Size: 37.18 KB
Updated at: May 27, 2019
Created at: July 21, 2018

Please Note: Equivalent Storage is made for Refined Storage 1.6 or newer and Project E 1.3.1 or newer


Equivalent Storage adds a new block, the Equivalence Engine. When the Equivalence Engine is added to a Refined Storage network, it provides access to all the items you could create from your Transmutation Table. You are able to adjust the Priority, Access Type, and Redstone control of the Equivalence Engine via Right Click. It's important to note that the Equivalence Engine is currently limited in fuction and will only work when the player who placed it in world is online.  


Equivalent Storage also ensures that Crafting recipes using the Refined Storage Cutting Tool have EMC.