Mod Ex Compressum by BlayTheNinth

  • Ex Compressum by BlayTheNinth

    Ex Nihilo Addon. Attempts to reduce grind by adding pre-automation tools like compressed hammers.
    • 23050832
    • 694.50 KB
    • 1.16.5
    • February 18, 2016
    • August 23, 2022
    • Addons
    Ex Compressum
Mod Information
NameEx CompressumAuthorBlayTheNinthDescriptionEx Nihilo Addon. Attempts to reduce grind by adding pre-automation tools like compressed hammers.
InformationDownloads: 23050832
Version: 1.16.5
Size: 694.50 KB
Updated at: August 23, 2022
Created at: February 18, 2016


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Ex Compressum is an Ex Nihilo addon that provides tools to reduce the initial grind in skyblocks in a balanced way.

In Minecraft 1.10.2, it supports both Ex Nihilo Omnia as well as Ex Nihilo Adscensio.

In Minecraft 1.12, it currently supports Ex Nihilo: Creatio



  • Compressed Hammers to break Compressed Blocks into nine of their smashed version (e.g. Compressed Gravel -> 9 Sand) (+ Auto Compressed Hammer)
  • Compressed Crook which is four times as fast as a normal crook, but only twice as durable
  • Heavy Sieve to sift compressed blocks directly, at a small loss of efficiency (+ Auto (Heavy) Sieve)
  • Auto Compressor to automatically compress items into blocks (e.g. Broken Ores into Ore Gravel)
  • Auto Sieves and Auto Hammers
  • Wooden Crucible to extract water from plants, as an alternative to rain
  • Animal baits that can be placed to spawn cows, pigs, chicken, sheep, ocelots and wolves outside of their natural biome

Kryllyk has made a Mod Spotlight on Ex Compressum, go ahead and check it out!