Mod Ex Naturae by MelanX
- 1312291
- 69.25 KB
- 1.19.2
- May 14, 2021
- July 10, 2023
- Addons
Mod Information
Name | Ex Naturae | Author | MelanX | Description | An addon to combine Ex Nihilo: Sequentia and Botania |
Information | Downloads: 1312291 Version: 1.19.2 Size: 69.25 KB Updated at: July 10, 2023 Created at: May 14, 2021 | Tags | Addons |
Ex Naturae combines Botania and Ex Nihilo: Sequentia
It adds a bunch new hammers and crooks made with Botania resources. They all consume mana to repair.
The Elementium Hammer spawns pixies to protect you from nearby monsters. The range and spawn chance is configurable.
The Terrasteel Hammer has a higher range while breaking and benefits from Ring of Thor.
The Dreamwood Crook will also have a chance to still drop saplings when breaking leaves.
This mod is compatible with Ex Compressum and adds compressed variants of the hammers and crooks when loaded.
Here you can see an image of all the items:
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