Mod Ex Nihilo: Sequentia by NovaMachina

  • Ex Nihilo: Sequentia by NovaMachina

    Create resources from thin air! Well, kind need a tree first.
    • 4194082
    • 1.50 MB
    • 1.19.2
    • August 4, 2020
    • August 30, 2023
    • Ores and Resources
    Ex Nihilo: Sequentia
Mod Information
NameEx Nihilo: SequentiaAuthorNovaMachinaDescriptionCreate resources from thin air! Well, kind need a tree first.
InformationDownloads: 4194082
Version: 1.19.2
Size: 1.50 MB
Updated at: August 30, 2023
Created at: August 4, 2020
Ores and Resources

Ex Nihilo is a Latin phrase meaning "out of nothing". Ex Nihilo: Sequentia is the next installment of the long-lasting Ex Nihilo mod series. With it, you can create resources and mobs out of nothing! Well, sort need a tree to start.


Using barrels, sieves, and a few other tools, you can produce all the resources you need. This mod is particularly useful for those skyblock experiences that we all know and love.

Ex Nihilo: Sequentia started out as a port of Ex Nihilo: Creatio for 1.12, which in turn was a fork of Ex Nihilo: Adscensio for 1.10, which was a continuation of Ex Nihilo for 1.7.10. Since its started, Ex Nihilo: Sequentia has grown into a familiar yet unique mod of its own.


Be sure to check out the Addons for Ex Nihilo: Sequentia!


Applied Energistics 2


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