Mod ExtraSounds by stashymane
- 1419951
- 282.53 KB
- 1.19.2
- May 5, 2021
- August 28, 2022
- Cosmetic
Mod Information
Name | ExtraSounds | Author | stashymane | Description | Adds more sounds |
Information | Downloads: 1419951 Version: 1.19.2 Size: 282.53 KB Updated at: August 28, 2022 Created at: May 5, 2021 | Tags | Cosmetic |
Extra Sounds
Adds more sounds to Minecraft, like sounds when you scroll the hotbar, the creative inventory, pick up or place items in inventories, and more!
Fabric only. Fabric API is also required :)
- Hotbar scroll sounds
- Inventory click sounds (based on clicked item)
- Drop sound (based on amount of items dropped)
- Creative inventory scroll sound (based on scroll speed)
- Chat message sound
- Chat @mention sound
- Status effect/potion sounds
- Mod API
- Every sound is configurable via resource packs!
NEW! Do you want your mod to have accurate click sounds? Check out the wiki!
More sounds???
- Presence Footsteps - Make your steps sound more... present
- Dynamic Sound Filters - Make your sounds more... there
- Dynamic Music - Make your music sound more... dynamic
Froge versione????
I want to make it absolutely clear that I will not be porting ExtraSounds to Forge myself.
Every single time I'm pestered about it makes me despise the name of it even more, so please stop asking.
There is a version for 1.12 Forge made by ACGaming56, however.