Mod FTB Essentials (Forge) by FTB
- 19143700
- 84.19 KB
- 1.18.2
- October 1, 2020
- June 25, 2023
- Map and InformationPlayer TransportServer Utility
Name | FTB Essentials (Forge) | Author | FTB | Description | Adds many essential utility commands for servers |
Information | Downloads: 19143700 Version: 1.18.2 Size: 84.19 KB Updated at: June 25, 2023 Created at: October 1, 2020 | Tags | Map and Information Player Transport Server Utility |
Adds many essential utility commands for servers:
Misc commands:
/kickme - Kicks yourself from server (in case the bed bug ever returns)
/trashcan - Opens an inventory where items get deleted when placed in and closed
/leaderboard - Not implemented yet
/rec - Not implemented yet
/hat - Puts item currently in main hand in helmet slot making it your 'hat'
/nick <name...> - Changes nickname in chat
Cheat commands:
/heal - Heals player to full HP and food bar
/fly - Toggles flight
/god - Not implemented yet
/invsee <player> - Allows to view and edit other player inventories
/nickfor <player> <name...> - Changes nickname for another player in chat
/mute - Mutes player
/unmute - Unmutes player
/teleport_last <player> - Teleports to last known player location
Teleport commands:
/back - Teleports to previous location. Can be used multiple times
/spawn - Teleports you to spawn
/rtp - Teleports you to random location in world, tries to find a non-ocean, safe place to land
/home [name] - Teleports to a home
/sethome <name> - Sets home
/delhome <name> - Deletes a home
/listhomes [player] - Lists all player homes
/warp <name> - Teleports to a warp
/setwarp <name> - Sets warp
/delwarp <name> - Deletes a warp
/listwarps - Lists all warps
/tpa <player> - Requests teleportation to player
/tpahere <player> - Requests player to teleport to you
/tpaccept <id> - Accepts request (will have a button for it on screen)
/tpadeny <id> - Denies request (will have a button for it on screen)