Mod FTB Pack Companion by FTB

  • FTB Pack Companion by FTB

    FTB Modpacks best friend!
    • 235077
    • 58.60 KB
    • 1.19.2
    • October 26, 2022
    • September 17, 2023
    • Miscellaneous
    FTB Pack Companion
Mod Information
NameFTB Pack CompanionAuthorFTBDescriptionFTB Modpacks best friend!
InformationDownloads: 235077
Version: 1.19.2
Size: 58.60 KB
Updated at: September 17, 2023
Created at: October 26, 2022

FTB Pack Companion

Your best friend when developing a Modpack. With an ever-growing list of features, tools, game fixes and more that'll aid in the creation, maintenance, and stability of your pack. There is nothing better than bring along a good companion.

Features so far

  • Structure Processor to resolve issues with WaterLogging blocks that should not be water logged
  • Command to help you generate loot tables in game!
  • A new RandomNameLootFunction that lets you set a list of names for an item and have the function select one at random

Using the features

WaterLogging Structure Processor fixer

The WaterLogging fix is applied directly into your template_pool. When creating a pool add the processor ftbpc:waterlogging_fix_processor to your processors list. The companion will now figure out when a block shouldn't be water logged and fix it!

It should look like this

json { "processors": [ { "processor_type": "ftbpc:waterlogging_fix_processor" } ] }


The RandomNameLootFunction it a LootItemFunction that allows you to set an item's name based on a list of names. This requires a list of Component's in JSON format to be placed in the data/ftbpc/sources/random-name-loot-source.json folder. You can use a datapack or KubeJS to modify this file as by default, it simply contains an example.

Example of how the json file should look

json { "example": [ {"bold":true,"color":"blue","text":"I'm an examples!"} ], "list2": [ {"text":"I'm an example 2!"}, {"text":"More than just one"} ] }

Each key in the Map / Object List must be unique as it's used as the identifier category for the loot function to find a random name. As you can see, you need to use a fully JSON compliant Component for the function to work correctly. Errors will be logged if this is done wrong.

Here is what the loot table can look like to take advantage of the above json file

json { "entries": [ { "type": "minecraft:item", "name": "minecraft:stone", "functions": [ { "function": "ftbpc:random_loot_item_function", "nameSetKey": "example" } ] }, { "type": "minecraft:item", "name": "minecraft:gold", "functions": [ { "function": "ftbpc:random_loot_item_function", "nameSetKey": "list2" } ] } ] }

Lots more to come I'm sure