Mod Fabric Shield Lib by CrimsonDawn45

  • Fabric Shield Lib by CrimsonDawn45

    Makes shields enchantable while also being a tool for modders to easily add in new shields and shield enchantments!
    • 2464847
    • 188.41 KB
    • 1.20.2
    • May 3, 2020
    • September 25, 2023
    • API and Library
      Armor, Tools, and Weapons
    Fabric Shield Lib
Mod Information
NameFabric Shield LibAuthorCrimsonDawn45DescriptionMakes shields enchantable while also being a tool for modders to easily add in new shields and shield enchantments!
InformationDownloads: 2464847
Version: 1.20.2
Size: 188.41 KB
Updated at: September 25, 2023
Created at: May 3, 2020
API and Library
Armor, Tools, and Weapons





Fabric Shield Lib:

Library mod for easilly adding shields, and shield enchantments into the game without dealing with mixins or conflictions. This library also provides event hooks for shields and shield enchantments to make creating custom effects with them much easier.




There is a tutorial available on the Fabric Wiki.

If you are creating a new mod from scratch using this you can just use the Example Mod repo