Mod Factory0-Resources by v0idwa1k3r
- 257.47 KB
- 1.12.2
- August 1, 2018
- September 7, 2018
- AddonsOres and ResourcesTechnology
Mod Information
Name | Factory0-Resources | Author | v0idwa1k3r | Description | F0Resources adds highly configurable abstract ore veins that can be mined with a special multiblock - the Deep Core Drill |
Information | Downloads: Version: 1.12.2 Size: 257.47 KB Updated at: September 7, 2018 Created at: August 1, 2018 | Tags | Addons Ores and Resources Technology |
Factory 0 - Resources
Please note that while the mod requires forge energy to function it doesn't add any ways to generate/transmit it so you will need to use another mod to do so(example: enderio/thermal expansion/mekanism/immersive engineering/etc.)
Here is a quick demonstration video that shows how exactly the mod works - watch this if you are considering adding the mod to your modpack as the tl;dr of this page:
Here is a video that highlights features added in a 1.0.3 update:
Factory0-Resources adds ore deposits to your world. What's so special about that?
- The ore deposits are not physically in the world as blocks but are instead stored per chunk as an abstract collection of numbers
- To mine those deposits the player needs a special multiblock structure - the Deep Core Drill
- Everything is configurable up to the point of adding any items as a possible ore deposit!
How does this all work? Very simple:
- The player uses the prospector's pick to determine the ores in the chunk
- The player sets up the Deep Core Drill
- The player powers, configures and puts the drill head into the drill.
- The player receives their ores out of nowhere!
What exactly can be configured? Pretty much anything!
- Everything related to the drill is configurable - the power drain, the blocks it must be placed on, the rate at which it mines, etc.
- Every ore can be configured - it's frequency, stretch, amount, etc.
- Any item in the game can be added as a potential ore! Wanted to mine Awakened Draconium Blocks using the Deep Core Drill? Now you can!
- Every drill head can be configured - it's durability, harvest level, speed, etc.
- New drill heads can be added via config! Upset that there is no Manyullyn drill head? There could be with a simple edit of the config files!
What makes this mod unique?
- The idea itself had only been used in IE and it's implemented completely different.
- Everything is configurable.
- Neat obj model rendering.
How performance friendly is it?
- The ore generation is done with Simplex Noise - one of the fastest noise algorithms out there. Profile it yourself to see the almost non-existent impact!
- The ores are stored per-chunk instead of in the world file. This means that no matter how much the players explore the world.dat will not become bloated with data!
- Every network syncronisation is done on-demand and as minimalistic as possible. The mod only sends the data needed as it's needed. The chunk ore data is not sent to the client to avoid massive network impact.
- Fancy object model rendering is done using a FastTESR meaning that it is rendered in batch which greatly improves the performance of TESRs.