Mod Falling Leaves (Forge) by Cheaterpaul

  • Falling Leaves (Forge) by Cheaterpaul

    Falling Leaves from trees
    • 10152675
    • 127.31 KB
    • 1.20.1
    • March 30, 2021
    • August 10, 2023
    • Cosmetic
    Falling Leaves (Forge)
Mod Information
NameFalling Leaves (Forge)AuthorCheaterpaulDescriptionFalling Leaves from trees
InformationDownloads: 10152675
Version: 1.20.1
Size: 127.31 KB
Updated at: August 10, 2023
Created at: March 30, 2021

License: LGPL v3

This Forge mod for Minecraft 1.16+ adds a neat little particle effect to leaf blocks. Users can configure which types of leaf blocks will drop leaves and the frequency that these leaves are dropped at. This is a Client side only mod.

This is a port from Falling Leaves (Fabric) (replacing the configuration gui with datapacks (see below for more info))


You can configure following setting in the fallingleaves-client.toml in the config directory

leafSize: modifies the size of the leaves

leafLifespan: modifies how long it takes for the leaves to disappear

leafSpawnRate: modifies the amount of leaves that are spawning

coniferLeafSpawnRate: modifier the amount of leaves are spawning from conifer trees

dropFromPlayerPlacedBlocks: weather player placed blocks should drop leaves too

minimumFreeSpaceBelow: how much room below the leaves block is needed for the leaves to spawn

disableWind: disable wind effects for the leaf particle

windlessDimension: a list of all dimension types where there should be no wind


seasonFallRate: a list of serene season fallrate modifier


until 1.3.0

To define leaves as conifier besides the predefined values here embedded values . You need to create a datapack following the same pattern as the embedded values in data/modid/fallingleaves/blockname.json with the following syntax and default values:

json { "spawnrate": 1.0, "isConifer": false }

starting with 2.0.0

take a look at all features here

My Game crashed with Falling Leaves installed

My games crashes with "java.lang.IllegalStateException: Failed to load description for particle fallingleaves:falling_leaf"

This error is most likely caused by another mod. Please update to the newest falling leaves version.