Mod Farmer's Delight Integration by iku_tv
- 2.99 KB
- 1.16.5
- February 17, 2021
- February 28, 2021
- AddonsCosmeticFarmingFood
Mod Information
Name | Farmer's Delight Integration | Author | iku_tv | Description | Adds mod integration to Farmer's Delight |
Information | Downloads: Version: 1.16.5 Size: 2.99 KB Updated at: February 28, 2021 Created at: February 17, 2021 | Tags | Addons Cosmetic Farming Food |
This mod adds mod integration to Farmer's Delight
This mod only requires Farmer's Delight, the rest are optional
Cooking Pot:
Now accepts Glowlight Campfire from Infernal Expansion as a heat source
Now accepts Brazier, Soul Brazier from Decorative Blocks as a heat source
Now accepts Ender Brazier from Decorative Blocks Modded Compat as a heat source
Additional Information:
Please feel free to comment considerations for additional integrations
All credit to vectorwing and the people responsible for the lovely Farmer's Delight mod
Please see Abnormals Delight for Abnormals mods integration
You may use this in any modpack